Why so many bots

You are right. I also encountered some AI opponents on ladder in standard. They play just like the opponents in solo adventure. You can easily see the difference between AI and real players.

I never encountered AI on ladder before. Is this new? Is there official information on that somewhere?


Blizzard implemented AI opponents to help with long queue times at lower MMR. There was an official post.


It IS very certain and you and the other pro company posters, as always are very, very, very (cue ā€œa few decades laterā€)ā€¦mistaken along with the scummy mega corp you act as a spokesperson or promoter for.

So much for that ā€œnot likely.ā€

Completely invalidates entire post, proving once again the pro company posters are here just to gaslight and troll people who call the company out on its nonsense.

This. Though they are little better than the scummy bots cheaters use.

dude same. You know theyā€™re bots because of their gamer tag. Weird cryptic names like cvxtz, sssrd, etc. I screen recorded and got 5 bots playing the lich King in a row and they all have the same deck, same play style. Now I just concede the game before it even begins when I see these names.

IF you think bots are a new thing, than you have not been paying attention.

the problems were only bots hehe, this game is one of the most colossal rip-offs ever in the videogame field, once upon a time games were used to entertain today instead they are full of systems to induce the psychology of players towards specific directions above all economic gain, even at the expense of fun, hearthstone is a blatant example, cheaters, bots, algorithms that manipulate a fake rng, that manipulate an unfair matchmaking that detects if it wants your perfect anti deck, paid modes that work the same way as slots, a sometimes you are convinced you can win but in the long run you always lose, hearthstone is the colossal example of the failure of the gaming industry which today has totally lost its direction, today itā€™s just money, you, the player, are just a pawn from which to absorb money

you DONT play for fun? you are a weird guy

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A lot of people play for the prospect of fun. The mentality of ā€œwell Iā€™m not having fun now, but I have to pay to keep up so I donā€™t fall behind so if the game is eventually fun I get to enjoy itā€. I donā€™t get it either, but somehow that seems to sell better than games that are fun right now, have been fun for years, and will continue to be fun.

nO THEY mean the dang bots that sit there and do nothing but rope youā€¦ or maybe use their hero power once a round and waste your @#$#@$ time while they make XP. Are you truly unaware of these. Now given they do not make much rankā€¦ so if your a Serious ladder player or probably most streamers wont see itā€¦ so out of sight out of mind rightā€¦ those on low ends of the ladder donā€™t matter I guess.


I have played 20 games on classic ladder today and have not played against a single real person. Just different classes all using the same deck.

I did the same in Standard. I didnā€™t see an actual player until Silver 7.

Yep, currently on game #4 of random letters and sometimes a number in the middle. Always DK, always same deck. I donā€™t mind, have won more than lost. Going to miss Silver level ha ha. Donā€™t want to face humans, they always take too long to take their turns.

Edit: Of course, right after I posted this, I got a Human controlledā€¦DK LOL.

It will never be be addressed. Does anyone who make decisions or have anything to do with the game read these forums? Whatā€™s the point to have a forum then?