Why its 2024 and we cant play some decks

ok so the just of it is i need more time in my turn
i try to play spell mage
spell mage is a deck that u use elemental campanian to summon a 4.2 that reduce all ur spell by one and now after u get the 33% elemental u need to put some spell power on him and then copy him few times after u do that u have a turn when everything in ur deck is almost free (not ez to get) but then u cant make any good decision in time because just to summon copy and draw or discover take u all the time in the turn the amount of game i rope out because for example i try to play the new mage drink ( 1 mana deal 2 damage random enemy (3 drinks left)) until i can play the next drink from the same spell take like 3-5 sec

not to say it even more impossible to play moblie i have iphone 15 pro max i dont have any problem to to run the game but i dont even try to play a heavy casting/discovering deck on my phone ill rope every turn and lose

we need more time we need a system that u can either barrow time from our past/future turns
or maybe once/twice per game we can get double the time in one turn at least

at the end hearthstone is a card game and u need to play ur cards the best u can and to do that u need time on the turn because you discover or draw new cards so u cant plan everything ahead

not to mention that the animation take to much time they can also add in the option zero animation setting for people that dont want to see it and it will make the game run better on mobile and save a lot of time

Perhaps if you want to cast spells for free you should use supreme Archaeology instead.

I don’t know if the op is going to respond, however they weren’t free.

Emperor Thaurrisan - 5 Mana
Drakkari Enchanter - 3 Mana
Discounted Apprentice - 2 Mana
Discounted Apprentice - 2 Mana
Discounted Molten Rfelction - 2 Mana
Discounted Molten Reflection - 1 Mana
Discounted Time Warp - 1 Mana
Archmage Antindas - 7 mana

5+3+2+2+2+1+1+7=23 mana

I don’t think that’s what you need, at all. Nor is it what you actually even want.

What you want, is a way to play all the cards you arbitrarily wish to play, on the turn you arbitrarily decide to pop off your wombo-combo, without having your personal whims cut short from the rope.

What you need, is to understand the person you’re playing against, wants to finish their match with you at some point prior to the heat death of the known universe.