Why isn't Deepminer Brann nerfed yet?

that’s the question.

Just an example, Shudderblock compared to dm brann:

3x battle cry once for 6mana, but you can’t directly target the player. 1 more mana for another go off the above.

Brann gives 2x battle cry infinitely for 6 mana with no target restrictions. No duplicates in the deck is a joke of penalty to justify this card.

Someone in the design department thought shudderblock is a good card, how can the same developers think that without readdressing
dm brann.

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Because Astalor was one of the biggest problem with Brann, now it has left the standard and also some battlecry minions with tons of armor build… so they think that should be enough for now. We will see it.

Because the patch that nerfs him hasn’t been released. That’s the answer.

No but you can do it indirectly by playing those 1 mana tendrils that cast random spells.

I mean, they are both good cards and they both promote pack sales.

Crazy world you live in when you think a shudderblock tendril is in par with a brann tendril deck. The only reason they come remotely close is the 1 extra tendril card shamans get and the possibly more focused draw of sblock with the battlecry draw location. But with all that, no it’s not good compared to war.