Why is your health so low in Duels?

Why is your health so low in Duels? The game mode is fun (though I am not playing heroic until either I don’t have to pay to play OR I don’t have to buy packs to have access to all the cards in the mode). But the low hps make most games over in just a few turns and make the game mode more annoying than fun.

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Your HP goes up each round. Survive longer, get more HP.

Yes it goes up each round, I know this. However, you can’t really build for anything other than hitting your opponent to the face and trying to kill them in the first few rounds.

The first few rounds (and especially the first match) can get pretty stupid because of this. Really wish they changed it.

Honestly, I don’t think it’d be so bad if it wasn’t for the fact that you start with half the normal deck size. People are able to get their win cons or clutch draws very easily as a result.

I also find it funny that they nerfed renethal but think duels is fine as is. Like, it’s an even more radical change in health AND decksize. There’s no way they’d ever print card that halved deck size and reduced starting health because it’d be utterly stupid. Why essentially do it for duels?

Yep. It wouldn’t hurt for the first round(s) of duels to have more HP.