Why is this meta so disgusting?

Quest Shamans endless answers. When I played years ago, game was so simple and relaxing. Now it’s just annoying. Rng is the worse in hearthstone.


At the moment the skill to be able to read your opponent’s hand does not matter esp against quest shaman, quest rogue and mage. The game has already full of stupid interaction with discover mechanics.


I can’t believe we’re complaining about a deck that isn’t even that good right now. What’s wrong with people…

You mean with Undertaker Hunter, Midrange Shaman, Burn Mage? Oh yeah, very relaxing to play. Want Curvestone? Go play Arena.

Stay on topic next time. RNG from what? Cable Rat? Please. Quest Shaman doesn’t have a lot of RNG to it. Thus deck actually requires skill.


If you say rng isn’t a huge factor in hearthstone, then I don’t know what you’re smoking. A shaman should not be able to get a tirion Paladin card for example. I think that mechanic is a little ridiculous. I’m just stating my opinion. Haha.

Blame lackeys for this. They are like RNG inside RNG.



Quest Shaman win rate is like 50%. Play Combo Priest. Then Quest Shaman win rate is like 30%. If you’re good at Combo Priest that is, which is harder than you think it is.

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Oh man you should check your temperature, that high fever is causing delirium.


Stay on topic next time. RNG from what? Cable Rat? Please. Quest Shaman doesn’t have a lot of RNG to it. Thus deck actually requires skill.

Ugh, this is how it goes. Wrong on both accounts.

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Probably because it’s 15.6% of the ladder, and the second most popular CLASS is Hunter at 16.3% split up over like 5 archetypes. And it’s right around the T2/T3 cutoff with that 15% mirror match going on.

Plus it’s just annoying to play against, with potential for ridiculous burst from hand thanks to Wasp and the Lackey being able to go face for some reason. And all the frustration of Evolve effect highrolls, thanks to Lackeys again and Mogu. And endless generation of cards and effects that are then doubled because double battlecries is broken in itself and the Quest isn’t even hard to complete and battlecries really have little in the way of counterplay.

So yeah, good or not, it’s a very, very annoying deck. I like to call that “Priest Tier”, where everyone is triggered by decks that aren’t even good instead of the ones that are actually busted. Which, ironically, might very well be Combo Priest right now. Just about tied with Highlander Hunter for best deck in game. And yet, the Priest one is still so much more annoying because of DS/IF.


Thinking Lackey’s are the pinnacle of RNG is laughable and nothing to lose the game over. Thinking Shaman has a lot of RNG crosses into territory of if RNG decides games or not, which it definitely doesn’t.

I disagree. “High-rolling a solid 8-drop on turn 3 because you drew into Mogu + Evolve effect” is definitely what I’d consider “RNG deciding a game”.


Yep. pretty much all classes.

Play vs a Mage.

Sorcerer Apprentice
Twinspell Freeze
Mirror Image
Mana Cyclon (trade the twin spells and Mirror image in for more free freeze spells). Always freeze spells.

Play Bone Wraith reborn on turn 4. New Tarcreepr or Stonehill defender just csots1 more but shows up just as much.
Play Zilliax on 5.

Got my 2 blockers attack away. Now Twinspell my 6 cost minion on 7 for more minion. Now use Power of Creation on 8 for 2 of the best minions you can discover. LOOK AT MY BOARD while I freeze you and again and even more after that.

Good thing I get these exact cards each and every game to cast/play in order.

Thats why the game is less enjoyable today than when it began. Now only those ahead the power creep with card advantage and higher chances of winning enjoy the game vs those that have to ENDURE to pain until they can make something that “works”. Not fun - but works.

Every game is predictable and repetitive. Zilliax? Of course. Just is it going to be played on turn 5, 6, 7 or 8? Soon to be played just as much in every deck - Zephyrs.

Play vs a Reborn Quest Paladin

More Reborn
Theres that Bone Wraith Reborn =P
Yep Khartut Defender

Keep the pressure on even though they completed their Quest

Yep the Mummy that gives +1 and its a Mech and

Theres Zilliax on 7 and now make a 2/2 copy of that.
And now the constant Lifesteal and make copies of the life steals.

Never any different. Always the same. Question is do you have the counter pattern to the pattern your opponent is playing.

How do folks feel when they see my same posts over and over again? Well that’s exactly how playing Hearthstone is every day. Same thing over and over again.

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Then… play another game? Idk what to tell you. In card games, certain decks will be better than others and people will naturally gravitate towards building decks that perform better, leading to an increase in the appearance of certain cards. This is how a meta works, and effectively nothing can be done to change it.

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Nah I like it here. Its called being vigilant. Trying to bring change to a game to make it better. Not letting something be sloppy or low grade. To try and get Blizzard back to its Glory Days.

If. you can’t understand that, then I don’t know what to tell ya. But I do love it when. you try to comment on my opinions to try and get me to think differently or move on :slight_smile:

Played vs a Secret Hunter

Another example of how that NG flows so well and a deck would never work if it was random.

Play a Secret
Play a Secret coin and play another secret.

Hey press great start huh? Just how a Hunter wants their game. Face Face Face,
They secrets will keep the secret keeper alive long enough to so can mill you dead by 7. And the Hunter will generate more minions from the secrets.

But lets not forget my Desert Spear. Got to have the early.

Oh, youre actually trying to swing the game now hey? Well it turn 7 and I just so happen to have that common legend on turn 7…


Floppin and Ploppin until my do daily X is done. Maybe someday Blizzard will return to a company that was glorious when it made Warcraft, Diablo, WoW and then slowly - eventually - overtime…Wow this is just make a quick but company now. Nothing mind-blowing or epic scale anymore. Just churning the butter.

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That’s such a niche argument. I NEVER mulligan for Mogu and Mutate, at all. And if you do have them then you have nothing else. The 8 drop gets cleared and you lose because you can’t back it up with anything and your Quest isn’t completed quickly.

I’m having a hard time believing something so “RNG based” also has a high skill ceiling.

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Personally, I assume you’re making games up at this point in time as, in the past, some of your complaints on cards used/drawn made no sense at all. You wanted to know so I answered the question :wink:

I think you misunderstood my last post. You said you were tired of seeing the “same thing over and over again”. My point was that you’re seeing the same thing because a meta exists, just as a meta has existed in every period for every card game. The “glory days” that a lot of players talk about often turn out to be nostalgia for the time when they first discovered a game, and it’s no different here.

You’re… claiming that an aggressive deck curving out is evidence that the game isn’t random? Have you ever played a physical card game before? Things like this happen all the time, in a setting where the artificial “pattern” you’re insinuating isn’t even possible.

I never said you did.

… and what if it ISN’T cleared, and has good enough stats that it can win the game quickly because of that? That’s my point. If someone highrolls with Mogu + Evolve effect, then it’s a game won through sheer RNG and little skill. My entire point was to counter the statement I highlighted, which claimed that RNG doesn’t win games.

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You have so many shots at getting an answer that you didn’t put in your deck. That’s what some people are talking about when they talk about RNG in the deck.

I personally find that one of the more skill testing parts of Hearthstone is playing around cards. That’s not an option against Quest Shaman. You just have to hope they brick enough so you can kill them before the set up a wall of Giggling Inventors or somehow outvalue them.

I don’t think it’s an insanely strong deck. I don’t think it has a low skill cap. I just think it’s poorly designed and incredibly tedious to play against.

To make the deck more interesting, I would Hall of Fame Giggling Inventor. That would lead to more interesting deck building decisions.

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What does he play?

He complains about Shaman and Hunter, but there’s no deck in the meta unfavored against both of them. Well unless he’s a bad Control Warrior player that doesn’t understand the Shaman matchup.

BTW, I tried Jeppeto in Quest Shaman like I said before the release. Terrible, you have too many low cost minions.

BBTW, what exactly are you doing with the Quest in Wild? All I see running it is heavy control Reno Shamans who barely ever complete the Quest, but trounce my Even Shaman with board clear after board clear.