Why is this meta so disgusting?

We’re seriously complaining about 7 mana Giggling? In a Priest meta where half the time you are dead before turn 7? They need something to deal with Hunters (I am all in on Hunter in the SoU meta, and it’s usually ugly for them).

A segment of the community loves this style of play, and it’s significantly healthier than the Shudderwock OTK from last year. Why can’t we let them have their fun?

I am actually concerned about the next expansion. This is the throwback year and they have tapped out a lot of the old stuff except OTK, Hero cards, and Old Gods finishers late game type minions. :see_no_evil:

Just normal Shudderwock OTK. The Quest is there almost solely to use on Jepetto as it draws 4 1/1 cards so any missing combo piece, by that time, is essentially guaranteed to be drawn.

I’m still working on the other cards for the deck, namely draw vs. AoE, but it is doing well as Storm Chaser is an amazing card tbh.

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Missed my point. I play the deck quite a lot and as somebody has been accustomed to it, it’s not a good idea to try for an 8 drop on 3.

Here’s the issue. It will be. You talk of an 8 drop on 3. Who’s going to have the minions on turn 3-4 that discounts your Mogu in Quest Shaman? Your opponent. Every aggressive deck can deal with a 5/5-8/8 on turn 3 or 4. Otherwise, Mountain Giant would be a lot better than it is now.

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I guess my biggest point is, the game needs some changing. A shaman should not draw tirion a Paladin card from zeph. I think that’s a issue itself.

So you went to complaining about a good but not ridiculous deck to the meme version of it.

Why are you so upset by Shaman breaking the class segregation barriers?

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The only thing discusting is Zeph.

Giggling Inventor is the card that keeps Shaman from getting beaten by slower decks with burst. Without that card, you would see a lot more variety in deck building. There is very little Quest Shaman experimentation now.

Again, I’m not saying the deck is broken. I don’t think anything is really broken right now. I’m just saying the deck is very boring to play against. One of the most skill testing and enjoyable parts of Hearthstone is playing around cards. You don’t get to do that against Quest Shaman.

Not really. I crushed one with Jeppeto Highlander Hunter yesterday.

Yes, Jeppeto Highlander Hunter. Who knew playing 2 King Krushes and Malygos in the same turn wins games?

Well, regular Highlander Hunter is slightly favored against Quest Shaman. I don’t really see how this is surprising.

But good for you for playing an off meta deck. I’ve heard of people running that, but I haven’t come across it myself.