Why is this game so freaking hard?

I just downloaded the game a few days ago. I’m trying to do some practice matches and it is freaking ridiculous. The computer has an answer for everything you do. Its like they can see your hand and predict 5 moves in the future. It’s beyond frustrating. And then, as soon as the CPU has an advantage it starts to snowball. I feel like once you start to fall behind it is virtually impossible to recover.

The game’s tutorial is too short and they basically just throw you into the fire.

How is a new player supposed to learn this game let alone stick with it when the single player experience is so thoroughly UNFUN.

Sorry for ranting. I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of get gud’s and other trollish responses but I don’t care. I’m beyond disappointed in this game.

This game could seriously use an “UNDO” or “REWIND” button in the single-player mode… or at least have a mode with such a button. This way people could rewind and try to learn different strategies and things they could do differently/better. I feel like at the rate things are going it will take me a month to unlock a single hero in the practice mode.


welcome to hearthstone, the rigged slot machine disguised as a card game.
that mode idea is brilliant though.


If u cant beat the cheap A.I of HS that used to kill itself, I have some bad news for u.

They teach u about how mana works, how stats work, how hero powers work, how to learn what each effect does and when u should or not be fighting for the board or going face, its quite well built.

It has a restart button at the practice mode.

The A.I doesnt knows things like combos or value, also the A.I can’t currently change cards, so u can basically keep getting stronger while the A.I don’t, so its impossible to not be able to defeat it easily.


so you just started playing and know nothing about the different mechanics but you don’t want to “get gud”? it’s easier to blame the ai but the ai is very bad actually, it will be much worse against real players


Restart is not the same as undo.

I would seriously like you or anyone else saying the AI is easy to show me a video of someone clearing any of the story modes with the default/starter cards. Not prologues… the actual chapters. Show me a video of you doing it if you are so good.

The game is insanely cheap. There are opponents with 0 mana cost hero skills that completely restore their health and they have 1 mana cost minions that are way better than any 1 mana cost minion should be.

The old adventures normal mode is made in such a way that even a basic only deck can be able to complete, dungeon runs are basically deckbuilding and the galakrond adventure uses pre-made decks.

Even the Heroic mode of old adventures, u still have Tommy J channel on youtube beating all of them with really cheap decks.

The only adventure not suited for begginers is icecrown citadel, and even then, u can beat the first bosses with cheap decks.

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Thanks for the youtube channel recommendation. I watched a few videos. It seems even he has trouble with the bosses and he mentions that its taken him dozens of tries on some of them. It also looks like you have to use very specific classes to have the best shot at winning… and you have to get lucky on which cards you pull. I had assumed that the game was balanced towards every class having an equal chance to beat the bosses and not that 1-2 classes had a clear advantage.

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This is one of the reasons I created this post, just yesterday actually.

Most people don’t seem to like it, but it’s because they’re already decent enough at Hearthstone and can’t put themselves in a new player’s shoes.

Of course, he has done the heroic mode with mostly basic cards, so its totally understandable.

But u are talking about the regular difficulty of the game.


and why do you think this? you can not know this, i think the same as OP (topic starter) when i tried illidan stormrage challange it took me a full week of frustration to complete it. he has a counter for everything, and as OP said.
the pc controlled character doesn’t have an hand and a deck, they are merged. it is 1 big hand but we only see the cardback and a few in hand, but he can swap all time when needed. if not then every challange would be completed in a few games.
i mean he can always take the right card from his deck to counter me.
because we players can’t see his cards and only see a card back. if you say this is nonsence then you are not right, because. compare it with a real player in ranked.
noone would be playing a whole week before you can beat a real player once, this is because real players can also have unlucky card draw or bad cards in hand.
but a story character has always a counter for few hours a day and a whole week.
do you really think the npc has a normal hand and deck? he can’t know what a real player would play, but always has the best possible cards in hand. even if you make mistakes, i mean the npc know your cards and know what is best to play but if you create mistakes by knowing you do that that also get countered.

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Playing tutorial is not playing Hearthstone…

You will need to invest 150$+ to get some cards to maybe create 1 good/strong deck possibly incomplete. You could also just farm gold for an expansion and buy packs next one and after a year or 2 of farming (not buying packs with real $ for this approach), you will eventually get many good decks mostly incomplete and probably 1 to 3 great decks possibly incomplete.

Then if you still wonder why Hearthstone is so hard, know that many players have more than 5 years of experience at it.

Cuz…its quite testable? U can clearly see it for urself.

Which Illidan encounter are u talking about?

So I can’t affirm anything, even the most obvious stuff about the behavior of the A.I, but you can take this out of nowhere?

That’s your great proof of A.I cheating? wow.

Or maybe because u are trying the wrong strategy?
There is a big difference between a player who plays by the same rules an can only use the same cards and an A.I who uses exclusive overpowered hero powers and cards against u.

Yes I do. Don’t u think if this was true, people wouldn’t have datamined this long ago?

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Here’s the solution: You need to improve your deck. The starter decks the game gives are extremely bad but you can improve them with better cards and they will perform much better.
How can you get better cards? One way is to do the first chapter of solo adventures and you will get free cards that you can add to any deck you make.
Here’s a guide by someone who made decks that each cost 0 dust:

Edit: Actually the following link looks more promising (delete spaces):
https:// www.eurogamer. net/articles/2014-06-05-hearthstone-best-basic-decks-guide

I hope this helps!

Even just watching Video #1 of Trump Teachings teaches you the importance of Board Control

(Yes, I know, the series is quite old at this point)

Then there’s Zalae’s The Fundamentals of Hearthstone

You will gain a much better understanding of the concepts Tempo, Life, Value and Fatigue after watching this.

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What pratice matches you want to see defeated…? The normal mode of everything is incledibly easy, the only one being challenging is the Frozen Throne expansion that only have one level of difficulty.

You know, I ought to sit my wife down (we all should get a family member not familiar with games in general) with a new account and watch her play through the tutorial, play some new player matches and some solo stuff.

It would be a good test to see if the tutorial etc and Hearthstone is new player friendly.