MMR Handicap Card

Maybe there can be a handicap if your MMR is super low, below a certain threshold. Then say when you start the game all minions in your deck are +1/+1 and all cards cost 1 less mana.

Okay…why is this needed?

Why? People with low MMR would just smash each other with super tempo and stats. Wouldn’t make a difference if everyone had it.


So if you can’t make good decisions you can have outrageously strong plays until you get better. Once you’re out of that threshold you lose your training wheels.

Then you fall right back down because instead of getting better, you just relied on everything in your deck being broken.

Or, since you’ll be against similar MMR opponents, they’ll have the same buff so nothing even changes.

An unfair advantage doesn’t teach you to play better.


This reminds me of a twitch copypasta

i think they should make golden cards have a small bonus or something so it’s worth getting. I think +1 attack or -1 less mana to cast or something

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Here’s the thing. Yes, they will have the boost, but only at very low MMR. It will be easy to leave that MMR bracket and lose the boost. Once you start facing people who are barely above the threshold, you’ll have the boost and they won’t. Then you’ll climb out and lose it, but you’ll have learned how to use combos and play longer matches, like using training wheels.

How does more stats teach you how to use combos?

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At least you’ll survive longer to try them out.

Dude that would be so insulting to low mmr players.
People bad at hearthstone deserve the chance to prove that they aren’t by playing the same version of the game as the rest of us.

Not only that, but that would be Blizzard basically saying “yeah you’re so bad at this game that we have to change the rules for you.” That just wouldn’t be a good experience for anyone.


What if they were 5?

Then let them play hearthstone. Let them play it as a 5-yr old or a 10-yr old or someone with a disability or w/e but don’t insult them by changing the game out from under them.


People who get stuck at low rank already have an advantage over low rank people who are freshly there. I experienced this when I was using crocalisk and vanilla stat minions with no effects is that some people were also low rank playing with the best deck in the game and they could still lose. The longer you stay there the bigger the handicap you get because they also have the advantage of knowing more of the cards.

This reads like one of those posts where the OP thinks they are way better than their MMR says they are, so they need the game to give them free advantages to get them to where they believe they should be.

I was terrible at this game for years, I was so happy just to get to rank 16. I paid more attention to matches and learned why I was losing and now got to Platnum 2 last season and could have gotten higher if I had just played more.

The takeaway being that if you are stuck at a low MMR, you either just need time to learn how to play better, or there is a reason your MMR is that low.

After reading the all the comments on this post, I’ve come to the conclusion that OP wants his own “win the game” card so he can stomp 5 year olds in his MMR bracket.

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Well, what about selling the legend card back for 500 gold in the shop?

Why don’t you just play a tier one deck? This is an incredible advantage in climbing the ladder.

Agreed. It’s unfair to skill/time-gate a card back and it discriminates lesser-skilled players or people who can’t play as often. This doesn’t offer equity or equality and shows blizzard for the evil, exclusive, money grabbing corporation they are.

How dare they make players earn something through dedication and hard work.



If there’s a handycap, it should simply be a larger health pools as changing cards will not teach you to use them correctly. But even that would gimp you in the long run.

What you want would not help you succeed.

The problem with this whole thread is gating something by MMR, if everyone has the same advantage it makes absolutely no difference but I agree out of every suggestion more HP would be the most suitable answer

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