Why is the game in desk top mode unplayable?

I literally have to close down the desktop version and open the game on my mobile phone to finish a match as it just becomes unresponsive, I am using the same connection on my phone too. Why does a publicly traded multi-billion dollar company have such dog poop coding… I already said I was not spending another dime on this game after you ruined the deck I built for no reason other than someone you care about or something said they don’t like the deck but I cant even relax after work and play a match on my desktop with out the game freezing. My god…start hiring people to work on the games that actually care about the games they are working on… Its obvious you put people into positions that have passions for other games not the game they are actually working on so that when you implement garbage predatory monetization there is no pushback. This is why D4 season 1 is dog poop as well. More care is put into some copy pasta fortnite style battle pass than anything else when it just doesnt belong in diablo at all. And if you actually had people working on D4 that had a passion for the franchise that poop would not have happened.