Why is the Duels format leaving?

Hey there Hearthstone peops!!!

I’ve enjoyed your game since it came out many years ago. I have especially enjoyed the Duels format!!! I like that it has elements of deck building, an adventure format, and that you get to play real opponents. I also like that you get to have your say in the initial deck building and then as you continue to play their is some randomness in the future cards you get. I think it is really sad that this format is coming to an end!


My guess is it is to do with some people getting too many rewards compared to others. However I think this could be fixed.

Please don’t get rid of your most fun, interesting and exciting formats!!!

Best wishes,


I agree I love the duels. I have a lot of fun just playing them reward or not and I use it to help complete my daily quests. The fact that they are doing away with a much beloved game style is a huge let down


AGREE! Duels is the best thing on HS!

I’m with you - I’m SO disappointed that this will be gone!

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probably because they couldnt find or even try to earn money with it

at least we were told us months ago so we had the chance to play it more before it got removed(and i was lucky to read the announcement )

it must suck to find out about this less than a week before it gets removed


It costs developer time to rebalance the mode whenever a (mini)set is released. This isn’t free, so has to be balanced against what they earn on the mode. And the only things they can see as specifically earned on the mode is purchased tickets for Heroic runs, since packs count towards Constructed earnings.

Then there was the issue of cheated decks, with cards from every mode and more treasures than should be possible. In Constructed a deck is checked to see if it contains illegal cards and an illegal amount of cards before it’s allowed to queue up, but that was apparently not as easy for Duels. People did get banned for cheating like this, but some people with legitimate decks did lose their runs to those cheated decks.

So instead of spending costly developer time on making sure the mode was fair and (a bit) balanced for essentially no money in return, they decided to scrap it.

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duels requires a
LOT of maintenance - it's not a sealed pool. we release new
cards all the time that impact the balance of the mode, make new
buckets, and have to change interactions between old treasures and new
cards. mercs is static.

— Ridiculous Hat
(@RidiculousHat) January
4, 2024



Tbh I never tried Duels, I don’t even know what it is, and I’ve been a constant in Hearthstone for 10 years. So I can only speculate that it is being removed the same reason Classic mode got removed; it doesn’t make them enough money

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Much like the entirety of the League Trilogy in story mode I’m sure some of you had fond memories of it. I Don’t. Far as I’m concerned they removed Duels when they realized they pretty much confirmed the only things you see in there are gonna be armor spam bomb rattlegore and the Deathknights. Now I’m all for making Bomb warrior great again but a game mode where no matter how good you planned you lose 3 times with no wins every time guaranteed just because your opponent gets to put free damage on ya deck EVERY turn… I don’t see the appeal

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I guess since hearthstone stopped giving duels regular updates, they ended up removing the mode completely. But we do get to use bg duos

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I hope it does well for those who will enjoy it, but I’m curious just how popular it will be with the general public. I don’t see it being half as fun as current BGs. I do see it as a good step forward for the eSports scene when compared to how it’s currently handled.

Has there even been an indicator for communication I may have missed? Time is of the essence during a turn, so I can’t imagine typing as a good form of productive communication.

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