Why is the Demon Hunter hero power only 1 mana?

Why is the Demon Hunter hero power only 1 mana?

Demon Hunter wasn’t an original hero/class, so they designed a hero power that is 1 mana (weaker then a 2 mana Hero power).
The odd(baku) demon hunter hero power upgrades to +2 but is still weaker then other upgraded hero powers

-druid also gets 2 armor
-mage doesn’t risk face damage when using on minions and can “ignore” taunts
-preist and warrior are 4 health/armor

They use it on the first turn without using the Greymane card.

i couldn’t think of an interesting hero power for demon hunter so i just gave them that. sorry. it would have been better to give them a 2 cost power like every other class to that point, but oh well. can you think of any that would be suitable for a 2 cost demon hunter hero power? just +2 attack is not good enough because it would be almost strictly superior to hunter’s. or maybe it would have been good enough. i dunno anymore.

They designed it that way to be more flexible but without the armor gain of druid. Warrior gets 2 armor for 2 mana which is 1 armor per mana, and because druid has 1 attack and 1 armor from hero power attack also is 1 mana for while armor is 1. DH only gets 1 attack so it costs the 1 mana.

Maybe 2 mana, “+1 Attack; if your hero attacks and kills a minion this turn, draw a card (once this turn)”. That rewards demon hunters for hunting and killing an enemy minion and mimics one of my favorite weapons, Outrider’s Axe.

Mage only deals 1 dmg but it cost 2 mana.

But mage can kill a 5/1 minion with their hero power without receiving 5 damage to their hero

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So can a DH but for only 1 mana, not the 2 a mage would need.

no they can’t if they attack the 5/1 they take 5. Also, demon hunter only gets 1 attack(excluding spells adjusting it) so if they equip a weapon they can’t send the 1 hero power damage else where it all goes in 1 spot(taunt minions are good against them), there are pros and cons to the hero power it is balanced


Have you ever seen a hero attacking a minion without receiving damage in return ? outside of attacking while immune, and the minion having 0 attack of course


They do or did have Blur and Going Down Swinging to gain immunity while attacking or during their turn but yeah.