Why is pity timer still 40 packs?

Thanks a lot Blizzard for making me wait till near the pity timer was up 3 times in a row for legendary cards. So much fun, love this game! /s


No one’s making you play the game.

This is true.

This is basically the sentiment of the old and tired “if you don’t like it, then leave” statement often heard in response to criticism of the USA. It isn’t valid in that case, nor in this game. It’s not the only option, and how would anything improve if people just left instead of trying to improve things? It’s like a restaurant owner that doesn’t listen to criticism and instead chases away customers. Negative feedback is more valuable than the positive.


Ah, but with the example of the restaurant you’re the customer that wants more but not pay for it. Not the kind of customer a restaurant wants.

Just like with restaurants, the best way to show Blizzard that you don’t find their product valuable is to stop spending money on it


when did they change it from 20 to 40??im pretty sure someone explained on another thread its 1 legendary every 20 packs is the average

before asking about “still 40” you should tell us when was changed to 40!

The pity timer has been 40 ever since it was implemented several years ago. 20 has pretty much always been the average. The difference is that the chance of getting a legendary in any given pack is 1/20, so in general you can expect to get a legendary once every 20 packs or so, but if you’re unlucky you may have to open up to 40 packs before you’re guaranteed to get a legendary.


Also Irrelevant. This game thrives on more users playing the game so the wait times don’t get too long, or so they don’t have to put in more and more blizzard bots into matches, which they have already been doing. They need F2P players.

And I’ve already stopped spending money on it. Giving them feedback of how miserable it feels to nearly hit the pity timer 3 times in one pack opening session (38,30,37) is all I have left.

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Whether it’s a valid response to criticism or not, if you don’t enjoy the game it genuinely would be wise to move on to a game you’ll actually like. There’s tons of better ccgs and dccgs out there. They almost all have better drop rates too.

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Because Money. 12345678


i think people writing their concerns here dont want to move to another game but to make their gaming experiences here ehm lets say FAIR . All i hear when opening a pack is reyr reyr reyr reyr reyr …

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wtf is that supposed to be?

Rare. Not every pack is 4 commons and a rare though, once in a while you get to hear “WAAAAAAAAAAAH GOLDEN common”.


could have fooled me.

Yes I understand. My problem is that I don’t like the looks of any other digital card game I’ve seen, and I’ve been with Hearthstone since open Beta. So I have a lot of cards from wild and momentum from when I used to buy packs. Leaving would be easy if I was F2P and new to the game and just struggling to make any deck.

Why are you complaining when you know that within 40 packs you’re guarantied to get 1 legendary. When I open my packs I expect 1 legendary per 40 packs and if I get more great, if not, I’m okay with it because I don’t set myself up with a false expectation that I will get more.

1 every 20 packs is the average. Sometimes it takes less packs. Sometimes it takes more. But it won’t take more than 40nbecause that’s the pity timer. It’s always been that way. It’s never changed. I don’t know what people find so hard to understand about how it works.

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Because that isn’t good enough. If I open 100 packs, I should have at least 5 legendaries, or make it 110 for 6 legend cards because of the legend in the first 10 rule. That’s still a drop in the bucket of the total legendary cards in each set, even considering the free ones from the rewards track.

i think 3 legendaries every 60 packs on average isnt that bad thats how its been working for the last 5-6 years
i used to save 5000 gold for expansion release before and i never opened 50 packs without getting at least 2 legendaries

I think the pity timer is broken because for Titans I ended up going to 44 packs before I hit my second legendary (recorded). That said, money.

That’s now it works, never has been.