Why is Hearthstone DYING?

An interesting video even with a clickbait type title , still some solid points worth the watch.

It seems a few users have an issue with the voices in the video lmao , i will post a few pics with a few points they make in the video.

Overall decline of Blizzard games users over the past 1.5 years by 6m.

Event data release by Blizzard used to then get an idea of Daily Activity.

Anyway an image is worth 1000 words so i will leave it at that…



Why do you claim Hearthstone is dying?

It’s absurd.

Why do you lack the ability to read???
I said no such thing i posted a video that has that title and even stated that the title is somewhat clickbait…


Could someone summarize the video please? I really don’t like listening to those robo voice videos. There’s something about them that I find unpleasant.


I would, and tried, but those voices kill me and I couldn’t get further than 2 minutes into the video.

Do these content makers not know about fiverr?

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Hearthstone could definitely use new mechanics. Like for example MTG has all kinds of minions with activated abilities. Something like that could work in Hearthstone. Though on second though probably way too slow some Face Deck would still hit Face through them and win but its a way to get better stats on the initial minion if you have to pay mana for the effect instead of it being auto. Such as Green Jelly instead of 5 mana 3/3 that makes a free 1/2 taunt you can make a simliar card 3 mana that you have to pay 1 additional mana for the 1/2 taunt once per turn.


I dont do those but i did post a few pics i find relevant , theres no replacement to watching the video but those were the things that interested me the most on the video.

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Hearthstone survived Grim Patron Warrior when Grim Patron had the most obnoxious battlecry ever! It can survive anything.

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Hard disagree here the Hey Losser from Pen Flinger takes that title by a mile…

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And it still survived that lol their point still stands. Hearthstone for some reason can survive anything

I quit right after mercenary mode came out. I was really disappointed in the mode.

I felt like there was no room for creativity or alternative playstyles. Just meta-slaving.

I got sick of Battlegrounds and Regular / Classic. I think reaching 100 without through one season was more than enough Hearthstone for me.

I enjoy playing WoW a whole lot more.


I’m pretty sure Ben Brode never envisioned Hearthstone becoming the…abomination?..it is now. What was once a somewhat skill based card game (a virtual one at that) akin to something like classic CCGs combined with Chess, has become…whatever it is now. No wonder he left years ago, poor guy probably couldn’t stand to see what the game was becoming before his very eyes. He probably got overturned and overruled too many times on whatever changes the finance team at Activision pushed, probably couldn’t take it any more. Activision’s influence leaves no Blizzard game untouched, unfortunately.

Hearthstone was the only Blizzard title to have consistent or growing MOU’s in 2021, not exactly dying yet.


I mean i would like anyone to come up with a better formula for online tcg that doesn get stale , doesnt favor p2w and also provides enough income to be a reliable game :wink:

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It wasn’t an abomination with Raza Priest, everyone loved it.

I also remember how Kripparian never quit for a time during the Gadgetzan Pirate Warrior meta.

And who can forget the lovely reception to Jade Druid.

And Barnes, such a lovely meme! Why don’t we have more cards like that!

And balance was so great! They only took 6 months to nerf Undertaker Hunter. Nowadays they would have nerfed it in 10 days. Who can wait 10 days!?


I would not say, it is directly dying, but it is obvious that hearthstone is now focused on making more money. Standard mode seems not to be the main goal of the company anymore.

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Wow, I’m impressed, you really took my comment out of context, didn’t you. I did not claim BB was perfect or that he didn’t also oversee the game having some problems. But kudos to you for taking me a bit down memory lane

The dude has 8k posts, he has bigger problems than reading comprehension. Cut him some slack.

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Hmm, I wonder, how many of those are even actual “people” though? It’s difficult to say when it’s a free to play game and anyone can make as many accounts as they want, and botting as well. Something can still be dying even if some metric shows that it’s “alive”

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They have a point, especially with the data proving that Hearthstone player base is dwindling and on a downward spiral.

But with Microsoft not taking over and not even implementing a business model change for at least 2 years, I’m not optimistic that things will be better.

They need to do a LOT of changes to bring players back. And a lot of those changes include giving the player base more card collection for less money - something ALL of us know isn’t going to happen, especially after the Dust fiasco recently.

Activision is a company hell bent on making as much profit as possible, even at the expense of player happiness. They will milk Hearthstone for profit until the changeover happens.

It’s obvious that those who are designing the game don’t really have the imagination to give the player base what they want - they pushed Mercenaries on us and it’s terrible and they continue to do so even though they can plainly see people aren’t receptive. They are dedicated to pushing the format and the players are dedicated to not wanting to play it.

In order for ALL this to change, there has to be more focus on player experience. This means we are long overdue for more player interaction with each other. IMO, this means we need a new design that allows for multi-player. It’s no surprise BGs is the most popular - multi-player stuff is fun.

The dual player modes will only be fun if there is balance and if the cards are fun.

The things that would make Hearthstone MORE FUN are things I don’t think the dev team will ever give us. We’re talking guilds, more multi-player modes (like 2v2, etc) that use our collection, tournaments, etc and moving away from milking money and micro-transactions. These are big steps they need to take that I don’t think they will take, because Activision cares about $$$$ over anything else.

It’s very possible that Microsoft sees this, and just abandons Hearthstone altogether. We should all brace for that possibility.