I don’t think having enough cards is the issue for new players.
Why not? The Core Set and the latest versions of the battlepass are leagues beyond what we veterans had to deal with.
What we didn’t have to deal with was the barrage of Legend players opening extra accounts, many who are happy to dust their second account for a single meta deck on their fun account. They must have a system to stop the systemic Smurfing.
I will say there’s one major flag to watch for. If this game stops having promoted exclusive content - tournaments, cups, events, things like that - then its a signal they might be thinking about putting it out to pasture like they did to HOTS.
I mean, you do have a lot of posts…like, an unhealthy amount. Not that it’s wrong, maybe you’re just really engaged with the community over the course of many years, it’s fine of course, but yeah…you also did take my comment about BB off the deep end to defend this game you clearly love dearly (or at least you love the forums for the game dearly). Idk
But I highly disagree if we’re going to put Ben Brode in some kind of pedestal.
The in game economy was hot garbage at his time. He oversaw the biggest change (replacing the mini expansions with full expansions), without anything to help players deal with the rising cost, which was shocking to a lot of players. Players had to fight tooth and nail just to get Legendary duplicate protection. And wait a full year before getting rid of the 40g quests.
And let’s not forget that he didn’t leave Hearthstone in good faith by himself. He cannibalized the team to form Second Dinner, which was also part of the problem with the poor quality for Rastakhan.
in the short term, maybe?
but i don´t think long term is high on anyones agenda (albeit to be fair that can be said about 99% of stock-listed businesses). That´s the one thing microsoft seems to handle decently different than most.
Why Blizzard is dying is a better question. Blizzard is on life support for a long time now. Soon™ doesn’t exist anymore in their vocabulary. Half-assed products, half-assed patches, microtransactions(idk why we use this term because there is nothing micro about them anymore). Will MS change anything? We can only wait and see. Would be nice if they can remove the tumor called Activision, and give Blizzard autonomy to do what they do best. Soon™
Returning I can’t help but notice they improved the “reward” system to the point where it’s now at least twice as difficult as it was to obtain cards using only gold.
UI click baits are built into the game now? like a cheap online casino?
Still a questionable matchmaking system. Where the only solution seems to be to “bribe” blizzard.
In summery>? the only people who are going to play this are the people who haven’t played it before? lol eventually that will see a decline of players.
I think he did a fine job at removing those rose-tinted goggles. Didn‘t last, though, they‘re back in your face.
Ben was held responsible for any real or perceived shortcoming in HS while he helmed the ship - and boi what a helmsman and public figure her was! When he announced his departure, there was much „rejoicing“, „good riddance“ or worse. Since then any other lead designer was treated similar.
The same happened, btw., with WoW public figures. Ghostcrawler got covered in so much crap and badger menure during his time, you could probably fertilize Antarctica with it - well, after the ice there has melted.
Formerly ridiculed and cursed at lead figures of long-lasting media franchises (with an emotional user/fan base) and their decisions are put more and more on pedestals as time goes by.
This seems to be one of the biggest complaints from new and returning players.
They have to dump an extraordinary amount of money to play “catch up”. This isn’t speculation. You can go to the app and read reviews or you can go to facebook and read what people are saying.
Thus, the video mentions one of the biggest complaints is “greed”.
If you want new players and returning players to come back and HAVE FUN, you absolutely have to do something with the lack of cards they will have and the inability to craft and experiment.
You get 10 cards for $3.00. It’s absurd.
Yes, you can collect gold and purchase packs that way and slowly build up, but that is precisely the problem. You can’t just jump into Hearthstone and start experimenting with deck building and having fun. You have to go through a gauntlet of grinding before you can obtain a decent size collection in order to start playing part of the fun that makes card games intriguing - deck building and experimentation. You can’t jump into Hearthstone and start enjoying that without dumping a TON of money into the game.
MTG has always sold “decks” for cheap so that new players can immediately start, and those decks have really good cards and legendary cards.
What did Hearthstone do? They released “Battle Ready Decks” for a fairly high price compared to what you would get in MTG, for a mediocre deck AND you were only allowed to purchase 1 per account. The marketing team is so lost.
You are quite wrong here. I am 100% free to play and I have a more complete collection than I have ever had since I started the game in 2014. The current system lets you just play the game and amass currency. There is no daily limit and no requirement to win. While it may seem like it is less, over time it is dramatically more gold.
I agree with this.
After you have all the rare and common cards, you most likely get 80 dust, not enough to craft a missing card at all, from $3.00.
This is the issue - there is no set cost to play this game and packs have significantly diminishing returns after you collect the rares and common cards.
I think they should do more things like they did with Galakrond. If an expansion is set around quests, players should have the quest cards. If it’s about hero cards, give players the hero cards.
This is factual. I have had to stay on top of the game to keep up with my collection. Not only is it hard to start, it’s hard to come back after a break.
And you’re right about the decks they gave out to returning player/sold being bad lists.
Yes, and there is no ability to trade cards either, which is a massive benefit in MTG.
If you get a common in MTG, you can trade it for almost any other common in the game. Same goes with some of the other rarities.
If you have 10 cards in MTG, you can basically use those 10 cards and trade to get almost any 1 card you want. Can’t do that in Hearthstone. You would have to trade 8 commons just to get 1. In that sense, Hearthstone really is about 8x more expensive than MTG.
They have to cut out the greed.
The complete lack of trading cards is such a massive failure. And the only reason they don’t implement it is greed 100%
Trading in MTG is extremely fun. In fact, some people have accounts JUST for trading. And, you can trade EVENT tickets, so you can enter tournaments and stuff (another thing Hearthstone is missing).
Imagine if a new player had the ability to trade their arena tickets they get for free to other players who want them and getting cards in return?
Hearthstone is missing that massively fun economy.
Neither MTGA or Master Duel has trading. Also unlike in MTG tabletop, you can craft any card in the game instead of having to find people with a specific card. I tend to prefer being able to get access to a card any time I want it as opposed to just hoping for it.