Why is everything random

Discover random card, cast random spell, cast random spell from deck, discover random spell from your deck. Wtf is going on with this game??? Best thing ever is random lunatic mage. You can do better. You are just lazy…


because it would be too good to be able to choose the effects of those cards

Because blizzard thinks “random” is a fun mechanic. They fail to see how rubbish it feels to lose to RNG


There are a few main reasons IMO. Note that these affect players and Team 5 alike because Team 5 is also made up of players.

  1. Random is something that physical card games can’t do. You can kinda do discover by letting people pull from their decks or sideboards but you can’t do anywhere close to what mobile/PC can. This sets HS apart and widens the audience. Or at least lets it pull from people who don’t like physical card games, thus driving sales.

  2. Random wins make for great online content. People like to watch off the wall things happen. Watching content makes people want to replicate those experiences. Thus driving sales.

  3. Random wins feel great. It’s the casino experience and the same reason why lots of mobile games do amazingly well. Positive emotions spike when a game goes from almost lost to a decisive victory. Scamming games via RNG is one major way that can happen. When that happens we, as people, are psychologically driven to recreate that experience so we play another game. When it doesn’t work we’re still hinting the feeling so we play another. And another. Thus driving sales.

On the flip side beating a deck that’s trying to scam you also feels amazing. Thus driving sales.

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Because the people that actually understood how to balance cards/decks no longer work there and the easiest way to let poor/average players compete against wealthy/good players is to insert overpowered randomness to the game. Otherwise they would have to fix the RNG engine they use, fix the now extremely busted matching system and of course let’s not forget that E-sports needs the stupidity in order to sell.

As an example of busted RNG I’ll submit this anecdote; I’ve noticed more lately that cards like Devolving Missiles tend to hit the same minion 2-3 times, depending on how many minions on my side consisting of 2 or 3 minions. I offer this from the point of view of having the card used against me just to fail in hitting my crucial minion. It has saved me so many times it’s not even funny. I truly feel bad for the person that played in when I only have 2 minions on the board and it misses SOOOOO often lol.

and many players too
they revealed one the most rng based tavern brawls was at the time the most popular one !

so they give us rng because we love rng


they need to make money. there are millions of cards. it would take too much money to make the game a bit skill based. so the randomness is now a fun game mechanic that draws casino players into a casino pack game.
guys who want the thrill of randomness but still a skill based game with fixed prices for cards play magic the gathering.

Why is everything random?

To ultimately make things 50/50. To give newer or worse players a chance against veteran or better players. Is it good? Is it right? Idk. It is what it is, as the kidz say (though they probably don’t say anymore). For every time random helps you, it will hurt you. So it’s really not something to complain about. I get it. It sucks that this is the direction HS went in. But it’s still an alright game to play for free and waste some time.

Tell me you’ve never watched a casino card game, without ever telling me you’ve never watched a casino card game.

Millions of dollars have been won and lost on just such “randomness” you claim isn’t possible. And has been done for centuries, possibly as far back as the 9th Century. The irony is, you post about the “casino experience” but somehow miss that this random effect has been a thing since simple high card draw type of games.

Other tcgs/ccgs have been doing this since the 90s and before.

And from the creators of “YOU THINK YOU WANT IT BUT YOU DONT!” is the new flavor:


Although this mindset got them multimillion dollar lawsuits.

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Its fun at times but its too random. They have to do something about it if they want the game to do better. How can 1 random card change the status of the entire game, board and etc. You have other games like MTG and Yugioh which sure they also have some randomness to it but nothing compared to this. You can also tell how much thought and care they put into the game if you compare how they nerf cards or even the fact that they don’t play test before releasing new expansions.

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The entire game has become a Zephyrs fest. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It’s not really fun at all.

I’ve been playing an elemental shaman deck that, aside from card draw, has very little discover or “randomness.” It’s a phenomenal deck that brings pressure throughout the game. It draws strong early and mid, with plenty

It is UN REAL how rigged anything “random” is on this game. The perfect top decks for my opponent happen all the time? Randomly generate the perfect legendaries from Marin? Sure why not. Randomly generate enough pop to keep my minions from going face for another turn? Sure. Randomly generate lifesteal when I’m sitting on lethal? Sure. Top deck Primus to avoid GG and then top deck again and steal my minion off board and reverse the game? Sure. It’s literally in the code…. Force 50 or get close. Don’t you dare go winning 2 of every 3, you’ll be brought back down.

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It’s random so you’ll have something to complain about.

That way, you keep coming to the forums. Every single day.

Which in turn means the “unpaid” intern responsible for keeping these forums up and running, can keep submitting monthly “overhead / server fee” bills to Blizz to fund his mountain dew habit.

If you stopped complaining you’d cause the intern to starve.

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You missed that all card games have random draws and random opponent decks. After a point randomness should have a limit; that’s because it hurts the competition itself; you don’t want to have to play 1000 games to feel like you know who had the better skill because if the randomness is extreme you start wondering “I have no clue who is even the winner here in reality” and that undermines the entire feeling of even winning.

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It’s my opinion that people looking for “skill based interaction” really ought to find something else to play.

Again, as I’ve said elsewhere in other topics talking about this - one must manage their expectations. It’s entirely fair to WANT a skill-based CCG, but hearthstone ain’t it and if the last decade+ is any indication, it’s only going to get LESS “it” from here on out.

People are playing the game that is, hoping for the game that isn’t. That’s not a realistic expectation, no matter how much salt they pour.

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No. There are various ways that skill is apparently important. You may get tilted (it’s a skill not to); you may not know the cards and be conscious about it; you may run out of time thinking of all the cards and all the possibilities in a very complex round and that also be consciously a skill you can develop.

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Because RNG is fun!

~Blizzard Shill

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I’ll give you one fair chance to come up with an explanation for why you hate it when people have fun.

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