Why is "Charge" still a thing in 2023?

New card Death Beetle has Manathirst 11 “Gain +4/+4 and Charge”, so of course it is always going to be a 10/10 with charge for 6 mana, because Druid has a card that breaks a fundamental game rule that you have a max of 10 mana crystals.
Now I love druid, and sure I love playing Guff, but that doesn’t mean it is a balanced card, as it allows for crazy plays.
But this is just insulting to allow 10/10 charge minions for 6 mana. Oh yeah, it has Taunt too.
Throw in Battleground Battlemaster, and now it’s 20 damage, from ONE 6 cost minion.

I’m not saying this is the most broken thing ever in HS, it’s far from it, and I’m not ranting that I’m going to quit over it, I won’t.
I just don’t understand the game developer’s logic for making what is objectively a bad decision that will negatively impact enjoyment of the game.

In a game where you can not respond to opponent’s actions, like you can in M:tg, why are we still getting minions that can attack face in 2023, several years after it was recognized this was a problem and Charge almost abandoned as a mechanic in favor of Rush??

If you wanted to make Druid more powerful, you could have given them some hard removal, as they have none in standard right now. Instead you gave them a 10/10 charge minion… for SIX mana!!

Please explain.

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charge should be removed from all existing cards

why not ?
is a valid tactic

im more curious about what theyll add for going over 10 mana next expansion …maybe theyll add a neutral card like renathal !


Aside from leeroy and warsong commander charge was never broken, in fact is rarely used.

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I think you’re very wrong.
Think about how many OTK FROM HAND combos there are that are only possible because of Charge.

Because they’d have to rebalance all the charge cards’ stats and mana cost if charge was removed. And like someone else said. Charge has never been broken.

Charge was never broken? Wahahahaha omg. Grommash was never broken, yes agree on that.
Pretty much every other charge card was nerfed or even hall of famed.

From the current rotation, smite was nerfed mutiple times and Nellie got gutted because of him.

Leeroy was hall of famed, force of nature literaly deleted.

So charge was problematic in vanilla until now.
To some degree you could argue that with modern Otk it’s somehow fine for charge to return but hell it was broken whenever it wasnt a warrior card.

That’s a great point, I wonder if Blizz would revert the Nellie nerfs once Smite rotates. Pure Paladin crushes with consistent Countess legendaries for 0, surely Warrior should be allowed three pirates for (1) each.

That’s two minions.
Unless my math is wrong.

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The Devs:

Power creep is necessary to sell expansions/cards


This CANNOT be considered the same team as the one who gave us Rush

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Give an example.

So we agree that 90% of the problem wasnt smite but nellie with insane discounts, if u use the same logic then was thaddius a problem in evolve shaman cuz of his effects or cuz of him showing up on turn 3?

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Ye Nellie should be unnerfed.
But for some reason mana cheat in warrior always gets special treatment (or hefty nerfs)
Warrior even got “cant be reduced below 1” on a card.

In the current meta even a unnerfed from the depths would most likely change nothing for warrior.

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With all their dumb ideas to remove keywords, surprised they didn’t make it clunky:
“this turn, the minion may attack heroes or minions”

Because the game does not want to get rid of their very first keyword: charge. It was just laying dormant u til the death beetle was introduced. I once’s played the thing with my Wildhard guff Druid and it was powerful. 10/10 and charge.

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But it did get rid of enrage, which was their other first keyword.

Because the devs are consistently inconsistent.

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