Why is Battlegrounds matchmaking so shiet?

So how many seasons are we going to pretend that matchmaking isn’t shiet? Every Battlegrounds season starts great. It’s fun, exciting, and entertaining. People experiment with new card interactions and creative builds. Then as you work your way up the MMR floors, gameplay rapidly changes from fun and exciting, to boring and predictable. The gameplay once you hit the 6k MMR floor becomes toxic, boring, and unfun. People don’t take risks or play interesting builds, they play low level trash while doing everything possible to get out in top 4. They don’t play to win, they simply play to not lose MMR. This leads to the game being completely different <6k MMR vs. 6k+ MMR. It’s literally gotten to the point where I just stop playing Battlegrounds upon hitting the 6k MMR floor.

Either add a non-ranked Battlegrounds mode where people can just enjoy themselves and have fun, or get rid of the visible MMR number on the screen. It’s obvious after all these years, that players will choose the most degenerate gameplay if it gets them an extra 2 MMR grind per hour. It’s like the Developers enjoy setting the game up for failure and watching it die.

MMR only means something if you make it mean something

but we all know that would just mean you’d have a higher chance of getting a first time player than a player who knows how to read

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Your statement is factually wrong on its face. Having a visual ranking metric changes the way people play the game. This has long been proven by psychological studies on human behavior. Just like how people find the most degenerate behavior to gain a slightly faster XP grind in WoW, people do the same thing to preserve their MMR.

People don’t grind gulp frogs in WoW for 18 hours straight because it’s fun or engaging gameplay, they do it because it gives them an extra 1% xp per hour. In Battlegrounds we see players playing for 4th place, rather than playing the game to win. This results in a completely different, and terrible game experience post 6k MMR.

youre typing like 6k mmr isn’t achievable without being a sweatlord when you don’t lose points at 500 increments.

I already know you’re hardstuck that level and thats why your first sentence just shows you’re some reddit-dwelling pseudointellectual.

Have fun being hardstuck in a fictional system that has no real weight when you can get to 8k just by learning how to read and not take yourself so seriously

or if they delete the system, have fun tallying your w/l loss ratio on notepad

There’s a couple problematic minions that need addressed and i would like to see a few Trinkets addressed but lets see how they do after the minion changes.

The biggest change they can make to make early game better is nerf Automaton. If you get two of these real early it’s real good and if you triple it your lobby is about to have a bad day early on. If you can early Reborn it then it’s pretty much lights out for anyone on a slow build. It needs to have less attack or bump the attack and reduce the health significantly. It’s base stat line is far too generous for a 2 drop that self scales like it does.

The minor trinkets that are a huge tempo swing should be looked at but really the way trinkets are offered needs checked over. Having a board full of Mechs and the trinkets i get are nothing to do with a mech build but what the system thinks you should be playing because of your Hero choice solely.

Hopefully it gets a little better after the patch and games can be more interesting at turn 8 instead of basically determining who is going 1-4 and who is gone based off the minor trinket they got.

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It’s very interesting how the OP beats around the concept of MMR so much and they don’t get the obvious.

Yes it does become harder the higher the MMR is: that’s EXACTLY what the MMR does.

In fact it’s even more than that: its job is to put your opponents close to YOUR skill.

no this is true

I’m surprised there isn’t a casual mode of battlegrounds, since its actually a really fun mode

The key is to try wacky startegies no matter where you are, I concede if I don’t get a start I want by turn like, 7. Its just a number after all, but ig not everyone is like me.

LMAO no it doesn’t. There is absolutely no difficulty change 6k+ MMR. The issue is fun and entertainment. 6k+ everyone plays completely different because it’s the final MMR cap. The gameplay goes from fun and interesting builds, to everyone slow playing the mid game hoping to not get knocked out sub 4th place. Everyone plays stupid safe, taking no risks, and it’s just the same boring low tier garbage every game.

I see you misunderstand the concept even further. THE POINT IN TIME you have 6k is crucial; e.g. I take BGs very casually and this time of the reset I have only ~2.6K when I easily go 6.5-7K by playing casually; if you are 6K RIGHT NOW it means you might be 10K or more later.

You just got titled because you lost to other players of you skill; accept it; part of the game is improving ourselves in accepting there other people better than us at playing or the same skill as us at playing.

Where did I say I was having issues winning? My issue was with the gameplay post 6K MMR and the way having a MMR public ruins the fun of the game.

Steamrolling the lobby every game because they play too conservative is just boring. The entertainment of battlegrounds is not in the results of the match, but the 30 minutes you spend playing. It’s about matching up with a player rocking a build synergy that is so outrageous you spend the next 10 games trying to recreate it. Do you know how mind-numbingly boring it is to be on Tavern 6 by turn 8 and everyone else is on Tavern 4, playing dogshiet low tier cards to pad their MMR by 17? I just refuse to believe this type of end game is entertaining to the majority of the player base.

I get that most of the other text is cognitive dissonance (combining “I don’t care winning” and then bragging …winning),

but I don’t even get that part. Why is seeing your MMR bad again?

These don’t exist. Your Battlegrounds rating is NOT your hidden MMR (matchmaking rating) used for matchmaking. When you are at a Battlegrounds rating floor and you lose, your Battlegrounds rating stays the same but your hidden MMR decreases.

About half of Battlegrounds players make it to 6k rating every season. The way to sum up the opening post is that you enjoy playing against players who are worse than average. Fighting for rating is the real game. You don’t like the game, you enjoy clubbing seals.

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And they come complaining at the start of a reset for a certain X rating. It’s the start of the reset. The best players will have a low rating as well.

I’d rather they worry about fixing the “play the same person every 4th turn” crap.

Not sure why they can’t program “play the 7 other players once” and then have exceptions if people die or leave before that’s done.

Maybe it’s been addressed by them and I missed it though.

Tell me you have never played 10K+ rating lobbies without telling me. There’s a SPECIFIC reason that they change armor values for heroes you get directly based on your rating. A hero/build you see at 6K will NEVER work in the 10K+ lobbies and that’s just facts.

I really tire of this old argument that if you are 6K you are the same as a 14K player. No you aren’t and to even think that is ridiculous. I mean at below 8K you aren’t even getting paired against high rating players because of how the system matches players.

It’s not that the system is maliciously looking to pair you against the same people in a specific lobby. It’s how you end up in the ladder every few turns. It’s just a part of how the system works.

I can read, i certainly dont take myself seriously… Im hard stuck this season in the 3.8k-4.4k area at the moment. I havent broken over 1k in duos this season at all. Its been nothing but people bailing at the start, or the game is unplayable (literally, not being figurative) as in unresponsive and only in that mode. Wasnt like that prior to the season reset.

8k is something ive never gotten to. i normally loathe approaching 6k as thats when I can no longer go back to normal matches and they become take 15 dmg every turn from turn 7 or 8 forward matches…

Gloat all you like and pretend to think 8k is humble. It isnt. Its really up there.

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True. Most players will never hit 8K and the statistics support this. Just getting to 6K is quite an accomplishment for a large portion of the player base. It’s for sure not as easy as most think and you have to learn a whole new meta that may or may not be complicated each season. This season is easily the most complex BG’s has ever been. All the top players have commented on it and agree.

Omg. Literally every post of yours is whining and complaining followed by smug, patronizing replies to anyone who tries to walk you away from the cliff. What a totally rational and healthy way to address being frustrated at a free computer game. It’s like “I know I asked for your opinions in a public forum, but I will also not take any information that I don’t believe into account.”

This is to OP if that was confusing. But my lord. Maybe take a break from the game?