Why is ANY class allowed a 57% WR?

DH’s need to be toned down, (mainly) Window Shopper but no class should be running at 57% WR on HSREPLAY.

I also think those classes running under 47% WR should all get buffed (like Mage and Druid) who are very low 40%+ WR’s.

Please try and balance your game with both nerfs and buffs and only small increments not big ones that destory classes like you did with Paly.

Your delusions of trying to keep up a percentage nobody can even see are as futile here as it was in fortnite. Don’t look it as “win” rate. Look at it as “percentage of losses suffered to classes faster than you”
Cause no matter if you are an armor spam warrior or a druid who still thinks making the opponent draw cards is somehow a lethal strategy the loss is NOT because the class was bad or the deck was bad, it was probably a filthy “OTK” setup that got COUNTERED in a game made by a company who still thinks counter picking is what people do instead of a strategy

You really make no sense. You are grasping at straws.

Why is ANY class allowed a 57% WR? Because these developers can’t think properly before creating cards… thats why… Warrior, DK and Warlock is just as big problem as DH with Reno… nerfing just one class won’t resolve the balance problems.

It isn’t 57% WR. It’s more like 55%. YOU CAN’T TRUST THE HSR CLASS WINRATE TABLE.

(Shopper DH is still OP and will be nerfed, but that doesn’t make HSR not liars.)

Until you prove what you say I will not believe you.

For starters, if you take each class and multiply it by its popularity, the winrate is over 50%. Obviously the global average winrate is exactly 50%, so this is impossible. It turns out that this is because HSR is calculating its winrate stats tracker-side only, so if a Death Knight with Hearthstone Deck Tracker installed on PC plays against a mobile phone Demon Hunter, that game counts as a win for DK but it doesn’t count as a loss for DH. This causes HSR winrates to be inflated because generally people with the tracker installed are slightly better players than people who don’t have a tracker installed.

There’s more but I think that’s the biggest. (For example, I personally don’t like how they include Bronze through Platinum games in the data, but I guess if you’re stuck in the participation trophy ranks then you might consider that data relevant. Me personally I don’t think games against bots should count.)