Why is a deck that only has 1 and 2 cost mana

allowed to kill someone at turn 6? Nerf it now.

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why not ?
aggro wins by turn 4-5

lol literally just happened to me for the 10th time today. was at 30 health, shaman did the shaman thing, dropped spell power minions by turn 6 and 30-0 instantly. nothing i could do. Happens every time.

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Sorry but never had an aggro deck kill me that fast… You can tech cards to make sure that doesn’t happen you can’t tech vs this Shaman crap.

you can tech

you just dont want to

No you can’t but keep being a liar.

I don’t know what game you’ve been playing then
Agrro decks being able to kill turn 4-5 is nothing new to the game
Aggro in wild can kill by turn 3 in extreme cases

“Drain up your tears so we can fight!” :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Cult Neophyte and Speaker Stomper are good tech cards against nature shaman since all of their cards will cost too much after you play them.

Armor Vendor can also help get you out of range of an OTK

not running cult neophite or speaker stomper is your choice

of course doing it depends on the deck popularity or if your deck can win vs it without them or not

But if you make a deck to specifically defeat someones deck method you will never pitted against them.
I made an anti-robot roge decks and after I made it, I never got put up against a robot roge again.
Almost all my matches before I made the deck were robot roges.
It makes me think the AI is curating the matches which means the game is rigged.

Strange, my opponent in my last game was a plague DK and destroyed my Brann warrior deck. I guess my opponents are exempt from this mysterious algorithm

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I don’t care about WILD, and wild should have no bearing on Standard.

My 2 first sentences still apply to standard, don’t focus just on the last line :slight_smile:

Madam the AI knew they would beat you before it arranged the match.
Exactly what I said.

I’ll entertain any replay data as evidence of your AI. Any at all.

I’d even perform a brief experiment with a particular deck or set of decks, post the replays and show off how bad I am at this game. It can be any decks assuming I have all of the cards for the decks

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Madam, make a deck that specifically destroys pirate, murlokkers and robots. And see how many it pits you against.
Then make a deck that can’t win against them and see how many the AI puts you up against.
I did this myself. And I was shocked to my magoo to learn that the AI is curating opponents.

I don’t understand the question.

First of all, decks aren’t “allowed” or “disallowed” to do anything. They do what they do.

Secondly, it is absolutely the plan of a cheap deck to kill you fast. If you survive to the late game, you’re out of reach and the cheap deck has no gas left.

Thirdly, turn 6 isn’t even all that fast.

Not in my world they don’t… Only Hunter has the ability to aggro you down before turn 6 and that is only if they get the perfect hand and the opponent doesn’t get any cheap board clear.
