Why I'm quitting Hearthstone after playing it since 2016

In the past years, HS developed in a wrong direction. Back in 2016 when I joined, it was so fun to play, a really strategic and fun game, with a lot of synergies and strategies. But those days are so long gone. Starting with 2019, the game became more and more an aggro game, rewarding the ones who chose the fast way to climb. But, even tough it was less fun, I continued to play almost on a daily basis. With this last expansion, the game became unplayable. More in-hand damage, too many powerful cards allowing to finnish the game in turn 5-6, cards like that Warlock wheel killing you in 5 turns with no chance to counter. But even that could have been manageable if you were thinking at least for to allow players develop control strategies. There’s none in this expansion. No cards allowing extra life like Renathal (btw, why can this one be a standard core card not rotating?), no counters for all the other aggro powerful cards. What’s the point of the game if all that matters is to finish as fast as you can? You will lose all the player base who enjoyed HS for its strategic gameplay.
And if fast and aggro are so important for devs, why can you just implement a new game mode for the players who want to play control decks?
So disappointed with the way HS “evolved” in the last few years, hope you’ll realize you made a big mistake which will force so many players like me leave the game. Hope also this will be a wake up call and maybe you will re-visit game strategies and you will have a more in-depth approach, in line also with old players’ expectations.


I remember back in the day when this was a game about developing a board and playing cards. Now it’s an aggro stomp to deal 40 damage through taunt by turn 4, or a card draw fest for an unpreventable OTK combo.

Card draw is out of control.


I hope you find a game that can bring you enjoyment as Hearthstone did. It’s always disheartening when a seasoned gamer leaves. :cry: happy gaming, OP. Hopefully, there’ll be changes in the future that will bring you back.