Why I quit HS many years ago

Every season sees the same leaders.
If there is no skill, how is this possible?

Thatā€™s like saying our politicians are skilled because they keep getting elected. Like, yeah, I guess, in a way, they are skilled. But itā€™s more like they understand the system and with that understanding they do what others tell them to do to succeed, and then they succeed. Is that skill? :thinking:

I reject your analogy as meaningless.

This is a skill game.

Thatā€™s fine, I can only control what I can control. If you believe that, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise/of the truth. Go forth and be skilled!

Yes folks, skill will pull you through when your opponent draws perfect tempo cards to execute their deck strategy perfectly, 4 legendaries in the first 3 turns, and you draw nothing that can effectively counter until turn 5. Using the same exact deck as the ā€œskilledā€ players at Legend <100.

i read it all, you can literally do anything you want in hearthstone

you are the only problem here


Hey i want to play four useless cards in my first three turns during games. What deck should i be playing so i can dominate like that?


Iā€™m not saying the game is lost on the next turn, Iā€™m saying that out of 200 games where Reno Lone Ranger has been played Iā€™ve probably won 3 out of those 200. And many of those games I was significantly winning before Reno was played. That is why I know the game is lost. Itā€™s just a problem in wild format which blizzard doesnā€™t really care about.