Why doesn't every Pally handbuff deck use Overlord Runthak?

I’ve tweaked my Paladin handbuff deck and have been doing much better in Ranked since.

One of the cards I added was Overlord Runthak, which adds +1/+1 to every minion in my hand upon attacking.

Why doesn’t this card see more action in Paladin Handbuff? 5 mana cost is tolerable, Runthak is subject to all the handbuffing while you wait to put him out, and due to good health and Rush he can buff your hand a couple times at least before getting canned, usually more. But I haven’t seen any Ladder handbuff decks use him.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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I’m going to drop the Astral Serpent for this.

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It’s not a terrible carb but it’s a bit more expensive that others. Astral Serpent is also used but usually by the lower skilled ranks.

Neither of those two cards are terrible and you could win against any rank with them but it’s just about slight differences.

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Glad to help! (20 characters)

Thank you for your clarification!

The deck is braindead anyway doesnt matter what you run

Nah it has big subtleties. E.g. it’s often superior to “always draw” or “quasi-draw”; “quasi-draw” is a subtle concept but it’s basically the cards that spawn their minis or similar; or you can devastate certain opponents if you know exactly when to use tech cards and how.

The only thing actually “easy” about the deck is that it’s not very punishing if the mulligan is not amazing; that’s because most of the cards are either good early or they’re buffed; various other decks played now are extremely unstable on the quality of the mulligan.

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I successfuly use him in my handbuff pally deck. Got me to the legend twice :). It is little bit expensive, but it got rush and if he is also buffed he survives more than one attack. I think he is worthy to include