Why does the A.I. put me up against auto losses?

I forfeit every game that I know is an auto loss. The AI knows there is no chance I will win and I know I won’t win.
So I forfeit, just like I have forfeited against mooneater paladins for years. There is no way to beat that. No one can. The only thing that can beat that is people with “I. Win. Card decks,” which is why they have “I win” card decks. Which are decks where a person needs their combo cards and roll through their entire deck in one hand to get their “I win” cards.
Anyway I just got put up against another paladin with blessed aura. There is no way for me to win against this. Zero. I am kilt by turn 5 always. Yes, every game is decided by the AI who will win and who will lose before every game. It needs to be programmed to be more mysterious though about the outcome. I forfeit all druid games because there is no way for me to win against a card runner outter.
How about Blizzard give us a auto forfeit feature we check off. I lose against all low card boogies. Murlocs, pirates or anything like that. Ones where they keep covering the board until they can buff them to a million damage. We need check boxes for auto forfeit. Thankyou in advance for the new feature.

“card runner outter” is the coolest archtype description I’ve ever heard.

On topic: errrm, okay!

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Thank you madam!! I try to come up with cool names in my spare time.

Because thats how the game force you into 50% win rate… just step over these and focus on matches which you can win. Don’t stress… I did the same and managed to get D1… You need to learn how to defeat the meta… well most of it… Thats the best advice I can give. Only play if you can deal with this forced lose… because all of us have to do it. Learn from your mistakes and then you will improve. I managed to keep D1 for 3 days… but eventually… dropped back to D5 because not playing the most OP decks and the game found me unworthy for Legend… don’t care anymore… I rather stop playing than use any broken meta decks… I build my own decks and thats the only way I can enjoy the game… if they not let me get Legend because of that… then be it…

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It’s not AI that is matching you up like that.

From my understanding you are one of the flagged accounts that they all sit around a conference table and spectate your plays and laugh at you while always matching you to their unbeatable super AI bot but changing the names to look like different “random” opponents.