Why does tavern brawl always turn into 4 matches?

Just once would it be too much to ask to not have to play 4+ matches for 1 lousy pack of cards? I mean really?


What do you mean “turn into 4 matches”?

Do you mean “I keep playing until I win a match, and I always lose at least the first three, therefore I end up playing at least four matches”?

luck, my friend. Its all down to luck. Either that, or a TB designed with DK in mind. Those TB you can just skip. Same for anything involving two people taking turns to kill a mech or heroic goldsink.

I went into one match as Mage to complete my daily for 3 matches with Mage (I lost this match)
Next one I went serious with a Paladin and won, it took me only 2 tries in total so I don’t know what you mean by complaining here about your odds at winning against one person, this isn’t Battlegrounds your odds from even queueing is always 50%.
It’s not like your opponent has some unfair advantage with a premade deck.

They have to make the game seem like it’s teeming with players and not bots, else Microsoft will do some chopping of funds and laying off developers. If they developed brawls to be over in one game, players would play one and log off; leaving only the bots to grind ranked modes.

I could just not play TB either, but I open my standard packs first the day an expac drops. That way those cards all are new cards.

The pack is supposed to be a bonus…not a reason for playing the mode xD

I do the rng brawls against a Friend.
Because i hate rng brawls.

Problem solved :wink:

It’s the ONLY reason to Play this Mode :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They want to give the small collection players a large number of tavern brawls built on randomness, not availability of cards to build a good deck.