Why Does Reska's Deathrattle Trigger Before Enemy's Reborn?

The enemy minion was played first, thus the reborn effect should trigger before Reska’s Deathrattle. I used Reska to attempt stealing Warrior’s Zilliax Deluxe after they summoned it with Chemical Spill. I attacked the Zilliax that had not triggered its Reborn, but Reska’s Deathrattle was triggered while Zilliax was between its death animation and reborn animation. Please someone explain why this is the result???


Deathrattle always triggers before Reborn.

It’s not just Reska. It’s the rules.


The fact that the played minion order doesn’t matter sucks

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It’s not an FPS game. Everything depends on what cards are on the table and what new card is put on the table.

“Time” does not count in a very active manner other than “play fast enough so you don’t bore the opponent”.

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Play order does matter in some cases.

For example, if you have two secrets with identical timings, such as Potion of Polymorph and Mirror Entity, which both say “After your opponent plays a minion …”, they will trigger in the order you played them.

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OK that’s a valid exception in a way of thinking, however in another way of thinking it could be only “order” related instead of “time” related, in the sense that even if you had 6 hours to end your turn then you’d still have similar effects hence it wasn’t so much the time that affected it but the order you played them.

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i have no idea what you mean by the difference between order and time…