And yes I’m yelling because I posted this in the technical forum with NO ANSWERS !
On my IPad I want to know why my microphone only turns on right after I win, lose or concede a game. When that fanfare pops up I get the red circle next to the battery that activates for a few seconds. It is the indicator that my microphone is active. Why is this happening ?
The devs don’t seem to playtest or QA test anything and the client functions worse than Runescapes original client from 2001. I don’t think you’ll find any answers here
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They’re listening, man. They’re always listening!!!
Actually, I read that it’s an “indicator” that you’ve been temporarily disconnected from the servers but this was coming from the obvious shills on these forums soooo take that with a big spoonful of Drain-O.
Knowing MicroActiBlizz, they probably are listening to secret conversations then reporting them to the authorities for extra money.
I see you have various impersonation accounts.
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Stop impersonating Carnivore.
WTH are you even talking about?