Why does it take so long to respond to tickets?

I realized last week my accounts locked; No email regarding why. I haven’t played Hearthstone in over a week and I’m on my second ticket trying to resolve the issue. It’s jsut frustrating i’ve invested A LOT of money into Hearthstone and all of a sudden my account locked. Could we get this resolved?

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You’re probably banned for botting, right now blizzard banned innocent people.

You will probably never get your account back and all the money you spent will be lost forever.

Blizzard automatically banned via a bot (without any investigation) after a certain number of reports and we know that you have players who report anything and everything, you end up with innocent people banned.

Yes blizzard are scammers.


Blizzard employees are way too busy trying to think up more ways to suck $$$ out of our wallets. They can’t be bothered with such things as caring about their games or players. I opened my ticket 8 days ago and they still refuse to answer me as to exactly why my account was suspended for 7 days.

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You are on a second ticket. It’s pretty clear they have a system to put you on a delay, if you recently had other tickets answered [been seeing it for decades on WoW].

PS I believe you WILL get a human if you reply on the first ticket you made in a month but don’t expect speed if you make multiple tickets in 1 week

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Also don’t forget Microsoft fired many people (just like every other company).

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What happened to the good blizzard company where I could I could call and get my issues resolved in a timely manner?

Still waiting for a response it’s been 3 days. This is not the way Blizzard used to operate and I’m not liking it one bit. I don’t even know if my lock is associated to chargebacks or maybe hearthstone deck tracker isn’t allowed? Just tired of waiting it’s been over two weeks and I already paid for whizbang bundle which is coming out in a few days

Simple answer microsoft wants this game to die. Hence why they removing the most popular stuff for this game.

Every time I have called the Blizzard CS number they have been great.
I called them back in TBC, and they have been great since then.

Give them a call and be civil.

  • Brim

I can’t they’re line isn’t available and I’ve tried all options. Still waiting to play… it’s been two weeeks just charge my default card for chargebacks… is that so difficult?

After 12 days of no response to my ticket, I just canceled it. Blizztard CS are as useless as the devs. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: