Why does Blizzard hate me?

After spending thousands and thousands of dollars and almost 10 years of play. I finally collected all of the cards in the game. But my achievement says 99% complete because of a now unachievable fireside quest. NOONE can get it unless you did that quest and they discontinued it during the Covid era. I was told there is nothing they are capable of doing about it… does anyone believe that lie? Just leaves me to wonder why they hate on some of their highest paying players? Are we suckers for collecting their digital cards ? I imagine there are many more other important things to be concerned about but it’s a shame for hearthstone to be so nonchalant to those who want to be recognized for the achievement. 10 years and thousands and thousands of dollars… think about it for a game. I must be crazy but since it’s done well give me the achievement …

yes, yes you are…

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There are many things that required you to do certain things at a certain time. Or be at a certain place. Or be on a certain device.

Would it be unfair to someone just like you but never owned a samsung or android device the entire time? They too would be short by a single 1 or 2 cardbacks. They could have used or borrowed one but they didnt. now it might be too late for the samsung one but maybe not for android. But those cardbacks had specific means to get them. The more specific the rarer they become. If you played since launch why didnt you throw your own fireside? Or care to attend one before Covid? Life? Was it not important at that time?

It isnt important now either is the truth. You may yearn to complete that counter to say 100% but really that isnt anything to really measure yourself by. There are many many many unobtainable (legally) pokemon in the long lived series and I have been a player since the launch in 95. I find it irksome sure, but Im not against Action Replays and gamesharks to obtain them for my collections. Alas that isnt an option here, so all i can suggest is to not care so much about things you cannot change or obtain anymore.

would you like to tell me that you have been spending money for ten years?? Congratulations, you are part of Blizzard’s cash cow team, 99% of users use bots and you are part of the nice 1% who pay :sweat_smile:

Its players like that that allow the rest of us to enjoy the free to play model for as long as we have.

Its why I dont take issue with getting a tavern pass or BG perks occasionally myself. Unlike some people that see only in black n white, I understand the nuance of investing a small amount to enjoy the vast amount of entertainment that I get from the game. I dont have to spend all my money or buy everything they sell to do such, even tho it would seem OP did so. A little bit of my patronage is a fair exchange to me for what I have gotten, and currently get out of the game.

I may see an error in the way they see the hard to collectables being, well, somehow entitled (due to money spent) to being able to collect them outside of those hard circumstances that makes them the rarity they are. If this were actually a viable way to collect everything, then all it takes is a bribe to get your accounts save file on their servers to say you get everything. But is that an earned accomplishment? Many goldens required certain difficult tasks to get, same for diamonds having unknown circumstances long after their original was released. Buying every card expansion from beginning is notable, sure. But not something that should allow you to collect the now uncollectable.