Why Do People Play Wild?

Why do people play Wild? It seems like a chaotic world of grossly overpowered decks. Plus, if you don’t have a long history playing Hearthstone don’t you need to buy a great deal of packs?

Why? Because I find it more fun to play with my entire collection than a tiny subset. Yes, there are a lot of combos that will utterly annihilate you if you aren’t prepared or lucky, but that is also part of the charm to me.

As far as needing to buy a ton of packs, only if you want everything. If you know what you want to play, it’s all about using dust wisely as well as keeping playsets of cards.


Same reason people travel/explore the world instead of just staying in their own country…one is expansive/limitless and one is restricted/limited. To me, the better question is, why do people play Standard?


Hearthstone’s wild mode is weak compared to another TCG: YU-GI-OH! When a build for wild mode with win condition appears on the 4th turn, the game owner nerfs this build after a while, in YU-GI-OH! there are many builds with win conditions in the FIRST TURN and it is absolutely normal to play with this build!
Hearthstone is a huge piece of mismanaged crap, as it is only fair that 3 classes rule over others: 1)Druid 2)Paladin 3)Hunter.

Hearthstone Oddities:
Priest steal card as a rogue.
Rogue has a lot of mana flexibility (that should be a mage).
The real spellcasting class is the Druid (it should be the mage but WoW is rubbish!!).
Shaman is a class focused on war cries… now the warrior too!! (This game makes no sense!!)
The warlock focused on destroying the opponent’s cards.

I will never play WoW, I play any other Microsoft fantasy game that is better than Microsoft-Blizzard’s WoW!

I play wild when I want to knock off quests, xp/card reward achievements, quest mage or otherwise don’t feel like throwing my standard rank into the trash can.

Funny thing is, I’m currently higher rank playing spoof achievement garbage in wild (D10) than Standard (P3) and I only played handbuff DK through platinum wild… shrug

Crushed my first mill druid today. Gosh that put a smile on my face. The stinker had guff and 16 mana but still couldn’t stop 80 dmg to face in my winning turn.

Standard was made for Newbe


Play Yu-Gi-OH, you’ll discover that Hearthstone’s wild mode is a game for newbies!

Try to solve a quantum equation and you will discover that playing any game is for newbies… then if Wild is for newbies, what Standard is for?
Those who compare HS with other card games do so only to seek consensus to fill the void that HS has left inside them :smile:

Wild is pretty busted sometimes but not as much as you’d think.

A lot of the times people can pull off silly combos, but being able to do that consistently or without getting rushed down first is another story. You may not even draw your win condition.

The bigger problem of wild is inevitably. If a deck can reliably tutor their combo pieces or just draw their entire deck, that doesn’t feel good. And quests are always problematic even if they aren’t “strong” purely because they’re drawn at the start of the game.

Also some win conditions are unbeatable after a certain point. Shudderwock shaman etc, which leads to players having to play counter cards hoping to high roll destroy the other players win conditions, which is honestly not fun for either player.

Basically in wild you have to expect after a certain rank every deck will reliably kill you before turn 10. If you’re not playing one of those decks, you’re going to lose a good chunk of the time.

But still, many aggro decks in standard annihilate you before then anyway… so you don’t necessarily need an expensive combo deck to be competitive in wild.

But yeah sure some archetypes can be 2-4x the dust of a typical standard deck

Don’t forget, almost everyone can resurrect now,

Well, it is less stale than standard…all those reno boomboss warriors.

As a Shaman main i only play wild…

A. I only have to craft replace a few cards each expansion for my 3 decks (Even, Big and Shudderwock Shaman)

B. Its easier to hit early legend each month.

C. The icon for wild mode is way cooler then for standard.


Your problem is your lack of knowledge about Hearthstone, wild mode is the dump of Hearthstone, the developers don’t care about this dump, they will only act when a group of favorite users speak out against a build that is monopolizing the way to throw in the trash! So they nerf the important cards in this build, I suspect that this group of favorite users are the designers who play this game themselves, because you have to take into account that Blizzard is an indie company, so don’t cry if the modes are being extinguished !!
If a build generates win conditions on the 4th or 5th turn, this cannot happen, so the developers nerf the cards in that build, it’s always been like this! In the current Yu-Gi-OH, modern builds generate win conditions in the 2nd or 1st turn, there are builds that already win the match in the 1st turn, now it will depend on the player’s ability to correctly execute the combo in that turn! !
There was a Japanese guy I faced in Yu-Gi-OH, he had a water deck, and the first turn of the game was his, he performed a lot of special summons to create a field with just a few effect monsters and also put a lot of spells on the deck. field, so he passed the turn to me, because whoever starts first cannot attack their opponent with monsters. However, in my card draw phase, the opponent was playing normally on my turn, the opponent started to activate many effects from his monsters on the field and the spells he put on the field, he was practically playing on my turn! He summoned monsters, activated the effects of the newly summoned monsters that he searched the deck for certain spells that would be activated shortly afterwards and all of this was happening on my turn, at the end of my draw phase… When he arrived at my phase main, he won the game and it was my turn!!

Modern Yu-Gi-Oh is light-year from Hearthstone!!

All reasons seem quite legitimate!


There are so many cards that there might as well be an infinite number of deck possibilities.

Wild also offers old cards some protection from unfair nerfs so the decks you play are extremely likely to always be playable.


When I started playing, Wild didn’t exist yet. Once they added it, I had no interest in Standard, because I couldn’t play all my cards in Standard.

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I’m glad you found refuge in Yu gi oh. Hearthstone is not good for your health

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Actually it’s more the opposite, I have changed perhaps 5 cards in the last 2 years on my current wild deck.

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