Why do murlocs in BG get to do it all as a tribe?

Biggest stats? Murlocs.
Venomous? Murlocs.
Refil board from hand? Murlocs.

Etc. etc.

It’s too much. venomous is meant to counter big stats, so why the hell do they get both?

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I argue they were still much stronger in the OG days with the Beast/Brann combo into DS/Poisonous. I do think the Murloc that gains venomous when attacked could use adjusting as it arguably is Poisonous with extra steps, but it IS a card we need. BGs is so low on utility right now.

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Their health is generally too low though. The boars can become obscenely high in both health and attack to the point of not even caring if half of them die from poisoning [and also demons?].

You already start seeing stuff like that after only 5K.

Murlocs were nerfed recently, and they are really the only counter to tokens. They do counter big minion in an unbalanced way, but if tokens finally get nerfed, Murlocs will be nerfed as well.

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how can you not say murlocs, are insane at the moment. Then you dont play the game.

they are strong midgame, almost unbeatable late game.
Only with a scam comb, you prob have a slightly chance. No other tribe, can gain that amount of power.

A card like: choral, is prob the most broken card. 1 minion, do nothing, just have murlocs in your hand, and gain 2k stats each, with a divine shield. Then you have poison to think of outside the box. And insane utility aswell. This is one card.

i mean, you can have a full golden pirate board, with divine shields, and unlimited gold. And then you face a guy with 2 chorals. and you are 100% dead. Great job… but blizzard dosent care at all :stuck_out_tongue: