Why do cards I have spent dust on disappear from my deck?

So, once again blizzard steals cards from me that I spent tons of dust to make of that I received from buying and drawing the cards in the decks. Example I owned Lord Marrowgar, it is still available to use but now I don’t own it? In my Death Knight decks alone I have lost 5 cards that are still available but now I dont own them. Can anyone explain this? do I get my dust back?



Can you go to My collection → click on the Notebook icon on the bottom left side → now you have a dropdown menu with options:

Standard cards
Wild cards
Twist cards
Standard Sets
Wild sets
Path of Arthas

Click on Path of Arthas, and Lord Marrowgar should be there if you ever crafted/bought it yourself.

Same works for other cards which are now Wild, but were previously a part of Core standard rotation, IF you ever bought them/crafted them.

EDIT: apparently, it’s under Legacy, which is at the bottom of the list

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Small correction, Lord Marrowgar is in the Legacy tab, not path of arthas. Same for patchwerk.

Those 2 cards were never part of the path of arthas miniset, there were introduced directly to the core set.


Which also means that you couldn’t even spend dust on them if you wanted to, at least until after they left Core.

This is true, and quite frankly, i was also taken aback i couldn’t use my Patchwerk after nearly 2 year of playing Blood DK.

But when i think logically, it makes sense. It’s just, Blizzard could have been more transparent, with a better interface to make it obvious.

At the end of the day, you either own the card or you don’t, but card in the core set are, and will always be, temporary loan.

Will there be a solution? Or am I just down 1600 dust and gotta accept it? cause basically the same happened to me with Alexstrasza the Life-Binder. Can’t even find it at the Legacy set.

The solution is to give blizz your money (this is by design)

that means you didn’t craft it (or opened it in a pack)

Lord Marrowgar was created especially for the Core set.

Before Tuesday, it would have been impossible to spend dust on him, because Core cards cannot be crafted.

So no, you did NOT spend any dust on Lord Marrowgar.

It’s hard to take you seriously when you say things that are impossible.

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It’s not impossible they’re just complaining about the wrong thing as always. What they should be complaining about is “Where have my OG Dr Boom, my plagiarize, and my dyno-matics gone”? And I belive the answer here was THEY GOT BOOTED OUT TO THE CURB WHEN WE CYCLED TO YEAR OF UNICORN