Why didn't my Tony work?

I put a “Tony, King of Piracy” in the hopes it could counter a Tony Druid, but it didn’t work. How I thought it work was it would switch decks back. So how? How did my plan not work at all?

You’d need to describe a bit more what happened if you want us to answer
were both non-silenced tony on the board at the same time ?

Yes. It was the first thing I did after a long drawn out combo from the druid.

without proper replay it’s hard to tell :man_shrugging:

You’d think a game like hearthstone shouldn’t be this complicated. -_-

If you play Tony when another one is still active it does not swap decks back. Decks are allready swapped and nothing happens.

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So I have to kill or silence the other players Tony first before I play my own?

The effect of Tony swaps the decks of the players. It does not matter how many Tonys are on the battlefield and on which side.

The effect only works once since it is an “aura effect” and not a battlecry. Aura effects add another rule to the game so to speak. The deck is not swaped again when another Tony enters the battlefield since the aura effect is already active.

The decks are swaped back if Tony (or all Tonys) are either silenced or destroyed.


Will a Polymorph work?

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Of course. This is another way to remove a minion.

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So just remove the Tony? Okay I got that whole thing wrong. Thank you all for your comments.