Why did we remove duels?

why did we remove duels from hearthstone? it was one of the greatest ideas they’ve had and great for grinding for packs especially if you dont have a ton of the new seasons cards’. please bring it back!


Most likely they were seeing decrease sale in “wild” packs since anyone playing duels had stopped spending after it had been around for so long and unlike mercenaries every new card creates balance/bug testing with treasures/rewards that in order to cut back on funding for maintaining the mode that no longer gave them income they chose to unfortunately delete it.


All that effort thrown in the drain cause they couldn’t balance new deck types with the treasure, so they just make one rogue deck on whizbang that could- theoretically- get and work well with any treasure.

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The mode was axed due to the reasons Lznad mentioned as well as a major exploit that let you add any card to your Duels deck (including Mercenaries and Battlegrounds cards).

There were some bans handed out to people using that exploit, but it along with the general upkeep for the mode was too high an operational cost compared to what it brought in.

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My theory is duels mode offered same rewards like Arena but it was much easier to reach 8+ wins.
Now all duels players switched to Arena and spending more often the real money to enter Arena. Excel calculation wins.


Actually, the decision to kill the mode was made and announced before any of that bug stuff happened. So really just what Lznad said.

But yeah the bug stuff didn’t help.

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Imagine being one of those Duels team employees pouring out:

  • Hours of coding
  • Hours of art
  • Hours of voiceovers

Only for your manager to tell you 3 months after release, “Sorry chump, we’re deleting it all.” They could have at least left casual duels alone.

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I’m sorry, you must be in the wrong universe/timeline


They treated Duels the same as Arena. Some cards were outright banned, which makes zero sense in a for fun format.

Why did we remove Classic? What I would give to be able to play some Classic.