They could just have released twist as an aditional game mode without killing classic.
Why it had to be removed,it doesnt cost them anything to keep it around.
They could just have released twist as an aditional game mode without killing classic.
Why it had to be removed,it doesnt cost them anything to keep it around.
Classic was a bot paradise.
It sustained a gigantic amount of the hearthstone black market via botting.
In other worlds. Little to no people really played it to the point that the bots did make classic not only unprofitable but did hurt blizzard profit directly by helping the black market.
Not sure, but I personally rarely played classic, and mostly because of it being a dead format in terms of number of players. Well before I stopped playing the format took minutes to find matches, and I’ve heard since then they’ve had a huge issue with bots, or perhaps they had to release an army of bots to keep appearances that the format was ok.
In any case, I like classic in terms of balance, but there are some issues:
If you are playing classic you are kind of on copium, you are using nostalgia to give you a reason to play this game. Blizzard has a history of releasing classic versions of their masterpiece games because they can’t recreate the magic that they were, but corporate greed wants to capitalize on a player base that is loyal to the ideals those beautiful classics once upheld.
The format is dead on arrival , I tried playing it only weeks after it’s release and it was crickets. I don’t think it ever got better.
It requires you keep many key legendaries in classic instead of dusting them for other formats. This one is the greediest in my mind. Blizzard could of released classic where all classic cards were available to all players, buy no one in there right mind is going to spend thousands of dust to craft classic decks to play in a dead format.
Twist is not looking much better than classic.
They could have taken away the gold rewards and quest progression if the black market is such a big issue. I dont care about those anyway.
But i guess if really noone did play the game anymore then maybe i can understand.
Its just that the game i usually play these days is down today. And after 1 lowroll lobby of BG i already had enough of that. So i wanted to play some classic instead as it has been a while and i always have liked it but i cant.
I still got all the classic cards,never dusted them because the 25% that you get at best isnt all that tempting.
This is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read all day. Both your premises are flawed. You assume A: People dont keep their older cards in their collections and dust them automatically. Perhaps you do and the minority of others (majority of forum posters tho) that play Standard format religiously. But that premise is completely flawed at its core. Only the greedy and short sighted take that approach. and B: Your other premise accuses the company of being greedy by not providing all cards for free in classic. That is the most backwards logic of projection Ive read. Only one so greedy would offer up the idea of being entitled to every card in classic for free. You are so backwards and illogical with the words you pick I can only assume your post was either satire or troll. But not sincere.
So is Mercenaries, which you can bot for XP rewards too.
Sure. The problem is that they sold special cards only for Mercenaries.
Deleting the mode means the cards will be deleted and things will get tricky.
they shouldn’t have ended classic mode.
they should ban bots but i don’t know how they do that exactly.
i played a pirate rogue that never killed my spirit of the rhino the entire game even though i was freely clearing his board every turn with rush minions. i guess that was a bot. i should maybe have reported him.
rape is a strong word but yeah.
You’re seriously going to this route?
Okay then.
Playing a dead mode in a video game isn’t a human right or even a right at all.
Lol, no one is saying whether it was good or bad. OP asked why did they remove Classic and people answered, grow up.
You just don’t get it cuz you don’t play Classics. Killing a mode people paid for is hard to insert for you, I get it
classic was barely played at all
check the classic mode sub reddit read some post weeks before its removal was announced and youll find a lot of posts about people palying from bronze to diamond/ legend by facing only bots
Sure sure.
You 100% know everything about me to make that assumption.
Next time just think twice about the “you never passed by anything like it” argument ok?
Let any part of your life go for sure hurt a decent amount. Even when just a game you used to play and maybe still like.
With that said sit and complain all day while trying to find someone to blame does not help anyone.
I doubt many here including me didn’t already passed by losing an online game they did like to play.
And even after that i still think you’re wrong.
People who miss classic aren’t special.
Why? I don’t bot, but why should they ban bots? This isn’t wow with flyhacking bots snatching up black lotuses. Its just single player mode afk farmers.
Hurts nobody for them to exist, and banning them does nothing anyway.
Most older players do have most of the classic cards. For years, Tavern Brawl reward was classic cards.
Honestly, they could rotate classic-esque modes in Tavern Brawl so often. It’s here long enough to be appreciated but gone before the novelty wears off.
Removing Classic won’t remove bots. The bots will just move to another mode.
When it comes to bots blizzard only has to take away the incentive,which are the rewards.
They dont have to remove the whole game mode just to deal with bots.
The bots will probably migrate but maybe classic was very atractive for bots. At least i can think of a few reasons why it could potentially be more attractive for bots then standard.
The game mode itself didnt hurt blizzard. And if people dont mind to wait 3 minutes to cue a game or have a very wide mmr range for possible opponents then why not give them that option to at least play the game?
I would just like to have the option to play miracle rogue,freeze mage,control warrior,handlock and all the other old decks every now and then. Maybe its nostaligia but i did enjoy it still.
It hurts the players. HS is a competitive game and bots are playing the most brain dead decks… in a most brain dead way. Pirate rogues often hero power over their Swordfish weapon, Even Shamans play totem buffs with no totems on board. Hell, I had a match with Hunter last night where for the whole game the bot did not play one card, Hero Powered each turn then proceeded to click on their HP every two seconds until turn limit. Sure it was easy win but it was not fun and it took ages.
Classic mode was becoming stale. Think about it, classic mode was release in hearthstone in march 2021. We are in august 2023. That’s more than 2.5 years of classic.
Even back in the day, hearthstone release in march 2014, and the first 2 expansions were in july (naxxaramas) and december (GvG) of the same year.
Having the same meta for 2.5 years is insane. It was well about time classic evolves into something else. Personally i would have preferred they’d release expacs in order, but hey, perhaps that’s not feasible (or a good idea to begin with)
On thing for sure, classic was in need of a change.