Why DH Cards Are So Cheap And Massively Overpowered?

Every card they play for 1 or 2 manas and do massive damage and sinergy, it is time to nerf the class?

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Ladder is becoming monotonous with all of the Demon Hunters. Despite adoring the class, I would like to see it nerfed. I believe the correct target is Drek’Thar, but after selling a diamond version, I don’t know that will ever happen.

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Class identity is aggressive aggro. It was so OP at launch it was ridiculous. Before this expansion I only had 30 wins with DH despite having over 5000 wins on my EU account. Not my play style generally.

If people enjoy playing it, that’s fine. I personally liked it as a meta counter this season before it became popular.

Just play control for a bit. I farmed all those DH’s last month for easy legend. Almost 60% win rate with control pally, and that’s with auto quitting mirrors.

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Over 30 games last season my WR with control pally was around 70%. I don’t know why I didn’t use it more

Because little to no one plays it when its on the botton, prior to this expansion Demon Hunter play rate was non existent.

This failure of a class needs to be beyond broken to see some play its rotten to the core.

There was plenty of people playing various quest DH decks aswell as Fel DH before expansion.

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No there wasnt prior to this expansion Demon Hunter was the least played class in the game.
Its just raw data when the class isnt crazy broken it insta drops to the last spot in play rate.

To be fair, it was not to this degree. It looks like the most played class right now. This is very unusual as Orion points out. Before you might have seen a Demon Hunter here or there. Right now, it’s ubiquitous.

Sure it wasn’t played as much but saying it was non existant isn’t true. Priest has been subscribing to that spot for a while now.

This right here…Go look at Priest play rate prior to the expansion release the class in the dumpster tier 4 decks sees a way higher play rate than Demon Hunter.

Face it a few loyalists aside when Demon Hunter isnt top dog no one cares to touch it.
Priest is stuck in the botton for ages and sees play that abomination can only dream on the same level.

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Bring back Mind Blast

The same could be said for the entire game. I’m not defending DH, they just happen to be the class on top of a really busted game right now.

The DH Class Identity is doing everything cheaper than everyone else Starting with the Hero itself having a 1 mana Hero Power instead of a 2 mana Hero Power.

I don’t think the class ever should have been created.
Ben Brode spoke at length about game symmetry, and how a tenth class
would ruin that.
Team 5 went for the money, as always.

It’s not that dificult actually to refund it.

They should set a certain amount of dust(not small) and give it to players.

That or they could refund the 3K Gold.

It’s possible. I’m not sure how likely that is, however. Couldn’t players argue that they deserve their $30 refunded?

Of course they can and thats why the card will never get a nerf now .
No one at Blizzard will open that pandoras box and open the company to real money refunds.


That’s why I don’t think we’ll ever see Drek’Thar nerfed. :frowning: I can’t fathom what they were thinking.


To be fair It was created with that powerspike in mind so drektar being highrolly isn’t unexpected either.

I personally would go with multistrike and nerfing the trogg just to be sure