if the heropower costed 2 mana and was stronger, the class would have a completely different shape.
1 mana to activate all your synergy is very strong
if the heropower costed 2 mana and was stronger, the class would have a completely different shape.
1 mana to activate all your synergy is very strong
People rage about the game being expensive… then people complain about decks being budget decks and overpowered.
It’s not a Pandora’s box because it’s always been open. People ask for real money refunds and sometimes even get them, e.g. when a credit card was stolen to make the purchase. This is something Blizzard has dealt with a thousand times before. It’s amusingly naive to think that ANY business that takes payments doesn’t have a refund procedure.
Is this refund procedure easy? Almost certainly not. Probably need to fill out forms, give all your personal info, wait 3 business days for response, etc. It’s tedious as a deliberate disincentive.
So the solution is easy: create an in-game disenchant to turn Diamond Drek’thar into 3000 Gold. (You could buy Drek’thar for either real money or 3000 Gold.) A lot of folks will be okay with that. If someone wants a real money refund, same old slow form process. Easy.
have you ever considerd that when you see people complain about each end of the spectrum it actually diferent people… i know it shocking people like you act it the same people that complain about both…
4 games vs DH in a row and can’t keep it up with any of my decks, 0% winrate, never was this bad before, even against ramp druid and other meta tyrants.
Time to a break until they decide to massively overnerf this insanely broken class.