Why cant we talk to each other in game

being a human is cool only because you can express yourself why would you make a game (whose purpose is to be fun) where you cant express yourself and communicate and have a few laughs with others?? even if you have a different philosophy, why would they not give us the option to activate a chat in the configs, that way only people that truly want to talk will talk and people wont get offended unless they allow themselves to



aloooot of people are toxic to each other = aloooot of tickets incoming to blizzard because of complaints = alooooot of money gone for customer support

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I feel like you’re not asking this question in good faith. Go join a COD lobby and then come back here. Heck even games like LOL where you can only type chat in-game (unless queued together with a friend) tend to be highly toxic. Furthermore you talking about some “people won’t get offend unless they allow themselves to.” Tells me all I need to know about your intentions. You want individuals to be able to say whatever they want and people should simple “ignore it” or them getting upset is on them. Thats not how the real world works. Not adding voice chat to this game is one thing I have to give blizzard its props for.

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And yet those games all allow talk even if someone feeling might get hurt or whatever. Tbh I wager having an actual chat in Hearthstone would have been better than the pure toxicity it has been now and for a long time. When people can talk it can be fun and uplifting, community is fostered. Hearthstone has no community. It is faceless. Bot infested. Dead. It’s really their own fault. I’m sure it was intended too. They saw how much easy money they could make off of gullibles and sunk costers and whales who have nothing better to do with their time or money than waste it on a corpse. Ah, to think what could have been if the game had chat. Oh well


Because this is not a chatroom… this is battle… chat is a waiste of time and time is very important in this game since turns are limited in time.

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Just yeasterday, I beat a guy and immediately got friend request. I knew what I can probably expect, but I still accepted as I usually do. That guy wished a cancer not only for me, but also for my entire family… I guess, he expressed himself and communicated with me, but I don´t think he had any laughs. I did not laugh…

Yup, very fun and uplifting, I felt very fostered.


Because HS playerbase is very toxic and unreasonable


It’s online gaming in general. Sometimes another game gives the delusion it’s peaceful because you may not advance to the hardest parts of a game.

E.g. people were advertising ff14 as more peaceful than WoW; some ff14 veterans said no; it gets also very toxic when it goes to the highest ladders.

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if you cannot possibly chat and take your turns at the same time, thats just your fault.

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I will let Agent Kay of the Men in Black answer that for me.

The point of this quote is to point out your position is that you assume because a person is smart and not prone to being toxic that people in general wont be. Couldnt be further from the truth of how humanity actually is.

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Why there is no chat from an official source:

“This was a decision that was made early in development, before the launch of the beta,” Jason Chayes, production director of Hearthstone, told me.

“It’s a topic that has been heavily debated on our team, and we definitely recognize that there are tradeoffs associated with this decision, such as adding steps for players looking to establish a friendship after an awesome game,” he continued. “Overall though, we feel this was a very important part of our strategy to keep Hearthstone feeling fun, safe and appealing to everyone.”

Source: Blizzard silenced Hearthstone players, and it made the game amazing | Polygon

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Hey atleast in a cod lobby we would become friends right after calling eachother names


i’ve had a mostly positive experience in COD lobbies, granted it’s in the older games like Ghost n WWII, though only played WWII recently, been ages since i played Ghost :sweat_smile:


Your negative experience was due to there not being a chat feature in the game, people get pent up and no one to talk to. If there were chat, such negativity would be far rarer. So yes, if the game did the right thing, it would be fun and uplifting. Unfortunately they chose the toxic wasteland scream into the void method instead, which nets you messages like the one you recieved.


Because instead of just emote spamming WOW 10000000 times you would have people spamming you with profanities if people could speak.

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Also, seeing how this is a game mostly played on mobile devices, and I’d assume a non-zero portion of those players to be minors, having super toxic and inappropriate text messages popup on their screens along with who knows where the possible links that could be sent to said minors… its overall just a headache not worth involving your business in. Especially if your goal is to be the likely place you want your customers to make microtransactions on these mobile devices. Not to mention however many different countries varying laws regarding online content and so forth you;d have to manage. Whereas if you hide all communication behind a friendlist first, you mitigate the biggest risk to the company worldwide in places that have laws governing open messaging and content therein.

This is one of those times when a parent really does know what’s best for their child, and child, I promise you do not want what you think you want.

What? Are you serious? You mean, if there would be direct chact he would said to me gg and wished me all good? No one can be THAT naive, right?

BTW, there IS chat option - with the people in your friend list. I am really not interested getting random insults and life threats, only because some kiddo can´t handle his loses…

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I’d sooner have their entire gameplay graphics gone, than them being able to spam direct chat to me with no way to stop it. I’d rather the game was only text “Player 1 plays Card 1” than that.