Why cant we talk to each other in game

Really if you think about it, this is like the why can’t we have flying cars question. There is a way to talk to each other if both players opt in - friend requests.

And helicopters.

TBH I love the rage friend invites, so I am biased. If you lose to the decks I play, and want to get salty over it, more power to ya. Hope I queue into you again!

I start every game with a “Greetings” and end every game with a “Thanks” emote.

This is nothing more than a hand shake. If you take it personally, then that a YOU issue.

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I hope you don’t try to strawman the whole thread with that. It’s not just you in the game. About 1/5th of my games is some ludicrous display of a spam of emotes right when they think they will win or right when they think they will lose.

Oh, absolutely. Don´t get me wrong, I am old enough to not only be able to handle such rage messages, but also to anticipate them. I was quite confident about the content of the meassage when I was accepting the invitation. I only wanted to use it as an example for why there is no in game chat and why Blizzards decision at the beginning was correct.

Really? And what is your avarage rank to talk thing like that? You probably have no idea how much time does it take to type… and think while you have 75 seconds for actions… you make one mistake… and you are lost… There are emotes for communication you can use… but even those are taking too much time to use… The enemy would use mostly his waiting time to send insults for the enemy and make him bothered… Even if there would be a chat function… there should be also a mute as well for it… just like for emotes… so the question is meaningless…

Im normally plat

I reached legend last cycle

bro i guess im just different, but I have my whole turn planned out while the enemy plays their cards.

Also, if you have ever played with friends, you will find it VERY CLEAR that you can type and play hearthstone at the same time.

Yes, I am. And you completely missed the point. You’re still living in a world where there is no baseline chat for the game. That’s why your thinking/methodology is still wrong. Idk what else to tell you.

They should put this in the game. In match chat. Glorious.

But the Earth is flat

A thousand times agree with this. It would be too much.

Besides, they have a Battlenet app for that and there is discord.

A plethora of options to chat with other players.

I don’t want to talk to you or anyone else.

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