Why can't Trolley Problem , Odyn and Asvedon be full refunds

These are not bugs at all but obvious nerfs, butthey are not full dust refunds.

Topior the Shrubbagazzor,Alexandros Mograine and Jount has a similar effect to Odyn.

Although few people would superimpose the effect of Odyn, in theory it is very easy to achieve, just need “Brann Bronzebeard+ coin” or a “panda card” or a “Photographer Fizzle ”

I remember when Odyn was released the developers said it wasn’t a bug.(If anyone finds the link, please send it to me)

Trolley problem has been removed mech is also obviously weakened(Because of the ridiculous CPU), there are still a lot of magnetic cards.

My English is not very good, but I think from the card description Asvedon can spoil secrets is not a bug.

Please don’t accuse me of saying “it’s not a nerf because these changes are trivial for the vast majority of games” , if so, Dwarf Archaeologist and Lady Goya shouldn’t be considered nerfs either because I’ve never seen either card actively used anyone after release and their changes won’t affect the vast majority of games.

Even minor nerfs should return dust

The facts are the facts, and the cards are nerfed, but Blizzard doesn’t want to admit it’s wrong (Or unwilling to return the dust), so they lie and say they’re bugs

Even if it was a bug, why did it take more than four months to fix it? Did it take four months for Blizzard to discover these bugs?


Asvedon isn’t a nerf though it’s a buff.

Hi there are some cards that will get their full refund when the new balance patchs launchaes before worlds so dont wory some cards will be able to dusted later on :slight_smile:

Card Updates

Dev Comment: The following cards are being adjusted not because of their power levels, but because they disproportionately cause bugs and other gameplay issues, which can be disruptive for players and time consuming to correct. These changes mitigate those problems and help future-proof these cards for updates going forward. These changes are going live with Patch 28.2, but they won’t be eligible for full dust refunds until our upcoming hotfix Patch 28.2.1.

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This sentence includes only fated Splitter, Monstrous Parrot, Counterfeit Blade, Dwarven Archaeologist, Madam Goya, and I mentioned three cards in the title that Blizzard thinks are “Bugs and Game Improvements.”


Odyn, Prime Designate
Asvedon, the Grandshield
Trolley Problem - where is information about this card? I cannot find it in the patch notes.

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i just realized it’s not a buff… ignore me I’m dumb

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Some of these in the old days would have been “we screwed up so bad you get the full disenchant value.”

But sadly the devs decided they wanted to stick it to the players, so now we get “we’ll nerf now, give you dust refunds…later.”

I’d be willing to guess they’re eventually going to stop giving dust refunds altogether, and these needless delays are just testing the waters for it.


Yes, we should get refund for these cards.

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