Why can't I WIN BY TURN 1 every game?

Every match the A.I. puts me up against auto losses.


Don’t worry, in a couple years, the insane power creep will result in games lasting past turn three being labeled as a boring snooze fest by the three people still actually playing. However, by that point it will largely be actiblizz bots playing against other bots, so the usual suspects here who praise team 5 no matter what will being saying hearthstone will be “ALL TIME BEST GAME EVER!”


Don’t worry, next expansion I hear there will be a new one mana spell called Coin Flip. It will give you a 50% chance to immediately win the game when you play it. Now you will just need to have it in your starting hand to win on turn one. Oh and it will be an uncraftable card that is only available as part of a $100 pre-order bundle.


:rofl: :+1:

You forgot proper spelling, though: ‘BOOOOOOORRRRIIIIINNNNNGGG’!

PS Frustrated… cute puppet… RIDICULOUS!

‘When did the game get broken? I’ve been playing it just fine!’ — something like that. :rofl:

Nah, mon, that’d be too slow for its contemporary meta. :rofl:

They’d still sell it, though, and it wouldn’t be any kind of scam at all.

its because youre playing against a bot made by blizz themselves to make you lose no matter what