Why can I not pre-order Scholomance Academy?

It litterally says on the 17.6 patch notes in English.

Pre-Purchase Scholomance Academy
Pre-purchase one or both Scholomance Academy bundles, available in-game and on the Battle.net web shop through August 5!

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Polish version has August 3:

German version has “beginning of August”:

How is it that complicated to align the release dates between patch notes?

That’s bs, who is running this circus? Stick to what it says in the language you put it in then…

Let s hope, i really want this pre order…

Bundle is Back!

EDIT: Only Mega-Bundle?


AWESOME !!! Just got it !!!

Only mega bundle seems to be up

True but least its up today :slight_smile: :smiley:

Standard-Bundle is now also back!

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Yes it is, I’m so happy now :smiley:

They did not change the dates on the translation from english i guess

Both bundles are available now

The Felosophy Bundle of 2 legendaries and 20 packs for $19.99 is gone too. I’m sure Blizzard won’t even honor it for people who bought it before it disappeared from the store. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/i3su9t/new_felosophy_bundle_is_available_in_the_store/

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I saw it, was one click away from hitting buy but decided to check it out later. Now its gone… There was also card back you could buy I think it was cupcake or something like that.

I’m guessing both the bundle and the card back will be available again after Scholomance releases.

Was anyone able to put in a ticket about this? I was still unable to purchase the pack on the morning of release. I just kept getting a 404 error in the store. Are they going to re-release it? Seems like this wasn’t just an issue for me, but possibly lots of people.