Why are you or others still playing Highlander Warrior?

Just curious. It’s Tier 4, but you wouldn’t know this with how popular the deck is.

It’s like the 3rd most popular deck even after the nerfs, and still extremely popular in D4-D1 where people are trying to climb.

But why are they playing this?

It’s not a new deck so the appeal isn’t there for new decks…

I’m completely lost. I see this deck and keep on beating it but it keeps coming back lol

People like playing decks they enjoy. There’s decks lower than tier 4 that people are either playing or experimenting with.

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I guess the question then would be why do you like the deck?

If it’s losing so much, what’s the enjoyment?

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They probably think it can still pull off a win. The problem is that even with all the armor they can gain. Decks can produce so much damage on board if you don’t handle it than it won’t matter. Not to mention how sticky boards can be and the decks that just blow you up from hand through 20+ armor. Even healing back to 30 with Zilliax isn’t likely going to save you.

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its not about the losing
its about sending a message



I suppose that makes some sense. It’s a 45% win rate deck, so you can eek out a win.

But the matchup stats are so bad.

You get destroyed by nearly every single DK deck out there (and with Corpsicle DK skyrocketing in play rate, it must be miserable - 34% win rate…)
Concierge Druid is the worst matchup, and those are still lingering around
All the Druid decks beat you, and it seems everyone and their mother is playing Druid after DK
All the aggro decks destroy you (flood paladin, pirate DH, pirate shaman, pain warlock, insanity warlock)
All the Mage decks beat you
All the Priest decks beat you

The only good match up is against Rogue (LOL!), other Warrior decks (LOL!) and the few people out there playing Elemental or Highlander Shaman.

Like, that’s it.

It must be a miserable experience. I’m starting to think that the people complaining about the meta at this point might just all be Warriors.

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With all of the ways to get copies of cards it sometimes feels like it’s not even highlander.

It really is a testament to how much a single card (Zilliax) was carrying that deck hard.

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It’s been like that with plague dk since it was printed as well. My guess is people enjoy griefing opponents to death and boomboss does that very well.

Perhaps, they do not have necessary cards to play other decks ?

For multiple months, it has been clear that Highlander Warrior is overplayed relative to the power level of the deck. During some of that time it has been powerful, but the important takeaway is that a huge number of players found it fun.

The “why?” is kind of a silly question. Why do people like chocolate ice cream? What matters is that they do, not why.

Blizzard is going to destroy this game if it keeps listening to the pitchfork wielding mob that is never ever satisfied, and at the mob’s behest keeps destroying the enjoyment of players who actually enjoy playing the game. A deck being popular is not a bad thing to be “equalitied” away; it is an indicator of successful design.


I have two decks lol. one is Whizbang, the other is my own version of highlander Brann Reno warrior. I dont think it follows any netdeck list beyond those few cards, mine is full of taunters and taunt finders and in hand buffing to taunts, armor gain, a couple of forges so i can use the weapon maker guy. I dont have the super pricey cards from those newer sets, the guy that makes gaining armor give you equal attack that turn for rest of game, nor that tnt maker… nor the excavates as I never did get those in that new expansion.

but to answer your question, its because i have 2 decks. lol. whizbang takes care of most of my needs in terms of variety. and the highlander warrior is just my only other deck lol.

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Probably the dopamine rush of how much they ruined their opponent’s day whenever they play one or more doubled boomboss.

Kind of like how tickatus lock was always played to a reasonable degree even though that deck was also statistically bad.

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I mean, isn’t the answer obvious? People play what they like to play, what gives them fun. I played Control DK tho it was pretty bad because control is what I like to play and neither Priest or Warrior decks interested me that much.

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They should play Highlander Shaman instead, similar deck but much better.

It’s partly psychological. It’s what they know was dominating the game for months after Badlands and warrior probably attracts the more conservative type of people in the warcraft games (also the hunter) because of the themes.

The Devs appear to imply there are sandwiched taunt minions decks left to be discovered and I doubt they’re that dumb to believe that since they made the cards.

Hey, if Ryecleaver came out 5 years ago it might have been a good card.

Nowadays it’s like “ok, cool, you can play Ryecleaver, try to draw minions, then break your weapon and play this spell and get a big board.”

Meanwhile shaman and DK:
Ok, I can play normally for a while and then play razzle dazzler or wave if nostalgia and have a big board.

Decks aren’t one card, they are decks. The Devs imply there are potential decks that could use it and not “just throw it in any deck and it works”.

It might be because it’s the most turtle thing in the current meta and there are a number of people who think turtle is the biggest of big brain strategies.

It’s hard to call it a control deck, but it sort of plays like one at the start of the game with removal, armor, etc.

Cuz they have fun with it or are too stubborn to change. Kinda how some people claim to hate the game yet play it anyway lol

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