Why are you forcing us again?

Nothing says well adjusted like being a dick over a video game

I didn’t claim to. But for someone who laments the “twisting of words” you sure do a lot of it. I simply posted that it was

“an unwanted feature.” I mean…you even direct quoted it. Then you try some odd push into some false claim I stated that it was “universal.”

By your logic, your claim it’s wanted isn’t universal either, so why should the devs design the game around what you want? And why should they design the game around you liking a thing?

And if someone posted this who wasn’t actively trolling for the company, their posts would have been actioned by now. This is what this dev team, mods, and company support. And many posts like it can be found on the forums going back years.

Not surprising, considering their track record on such things.

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I never claimed my want of it to be universal. but for a paid protester to pretend to be so anti blizzard and such Its pretty obvious why you talk so much but do little to show you walk it at all. Allegedly. But all your posts point toward you being paid to be a bad faith protester to make being antiblizz seem like a bad stance to take. much like the ones that get paid to go into city hall meetings to say certain talking points to get their agenda to get adopted… only they can be convincing.

well you post was confusing instead of unwanted you should made it clear you were talking about yourself

For someone who complains about people throwing around the “paid” label, you sure do toss it about with reckless abandon. Just like your false claim I said “unwanted was “universal” when you directly quoted proving you were being dishonest. Interesting how you can’t actually answer questions so you randomly start on some dishonest (again) “muh paid protester” screed.

Irony highlighted for humor points. For someone who makes false claims of account sharing, you make fairly easy to follow posts (even if they are outright trolling for the company), and then there’s…stuff like this.

Note, for those paying attention, the ACTUAL bad faith actors’ poor attempts to distract from the abysmal nonsense that anomalies are going to be. Put it in twist, let them “enjoy” it for a month.

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That’s you; ever since the dust debacle, with you making the absurd claim that they owe you dust.

I am not a shill, or a paid agent; just someone who thinks a person who is so committed to hating the game shouldn’t be welcome to post here.

This isn’t about defending the company; this is about right & wrong.

You are wrong.

i said that because your posts read as if they were written by different posters
some are actually a well thought response to the post you quote (which is extremely rare)
some feel like written by child

or completely unrelated to whatever the post is about it wouldnt surprise me someone posted about a card stats and you quote to post “its raining today” thats how out of topic your posts are

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I swear, even though I have him on Mute/Ignore, I still have to see what the guy is saying through other people’s comments. I highly recommend doing the same as I did. Talking with a low intelligent troll isn’t worth the time.

And note for those paying attention, the trifecta of off topic flame posting, that of course the mods will completely ignore…because the culture of harassment fits right at home at actiblizz.

All to take focus off the fact that anomalies are an unwanted feature, and apparently, discussing this, like any other time the devs or company makes a mistake brings out the people who get to troll, flame, and harass those trying to discuss the issue.

The point of the thread was to ask why “you[Blizz] are forcing us again?” I can only extrapolate they mean the anomalies by that statement from context clues.

The follow up questions to this premise was simply who exactly is forcing anyone to open the game against their will? Presuming the OP does indeed have free will, they can simply choose not to open it. Therefore nothing is being forced onto them at all. They can proceed to open it and engage in any number of game modes it offers, with a variety to pick from it is a very hard argument to be made that anything is being forced on anyone.

Then you arrived and made every post a way to not so subtly change the topic of discussion at every opportunity that you could interpret. Including playing the victim multiple times. I know what its like to simply make a true statement and others here simply call me a troll or what i think isnt possible to think or whatever. But you, you are beyond anything I could imagine a room full of chimps with typewriters given 1000 years and 200 Chat GPT relatives the same amount of time…could collectively come up with to write. So instead of diverting topic away from the premise of things being against one’s will in the game… and not about you… if you could maintain being on topic for a change, thatd be something you would be contributing to the discussion instead of what you normally do. The equivalent of a smoke bomb ninja turtle escape where the smoke bomb is whatever offtopic rant you wish yo dive into, or claiming to be the victim of something imaginary, and the silliness of still seeing you dart away when the smoke bomb fails to disguise your getaway. That failure is you never being on topic unless the topic is you, or anti blizz agenda, or just trolling in general to get your kicks.

Back on topic, my apologies.

If OP has free will this thread is rendered pointless.

imagine being so focused on trolling, that missing this:

right in the op.

this is the bad faith actors, people. So focused on trolling, flaming, and harassing that they have to pretend the topic isn’t right there in the op.

And, for those paying attention:

Another “don’t play the game” by the pro company crowd, which according to them:

Note the increasing desperation to take focus off the fact that anomalies are an unwanted feature, and apparently, discussing this, like any other time the devs or company makes a mistake brings out the people who get to troll, flame, and harass those trying to discuss the issue. Apparently, with the full support of the moderation team.

Unwanted by whom? They’re not a big deal; I’m still enjoying playing.

Try reading the many threads (including this one) instead of trolling.

Start with the op here (which most of you didn’t bother reading before coming here to engaging in your usual trolling, flaming, and harassing):

and go from there.

The number of threads saying otherwise…say otherwise. Also, a big enough deal that you and your friends are going full court press to defend the company…err, them.

And have you considered FOR ONCE, that OTHER people aren’t? I get lack of empathy seems to be a thing for this company and those who support it, but one’s enjoyment at the expense of others and disregard for how they feel is a bit of a problem, and one that has gotten this company in trouble in the past.

Oh yeah, there are many crybabies crying over limited event. Those who enjoy that are probably busy playing the game…

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limited…until the next expac.

Some of us actually read the patch notes instead of trolling threads. Though I’m sure you’ll claim this is just “disagreement” again.

Most of us can disagree without tossing out coc violating trolling.

Based on how much the pro company crowd is all over the forums tossing out insults and trolling, looks like you aren’t playing all that much…

Anomalies will be active in 100% of the games only for one week… so relax and play guys.

They won’t be gone until the next expac. While the chance drops, they won’t be gone until patch 28.0

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Oh yes, they will be just reduced from 100% to 25% chance, if am I right… Well… it is still much more better than 100% I think… :slight_smile:

give it a try ad chogall to your deck
during the 100% event chogall effect can still trigger and give you a second anomaly

itll give you an idea on how often itll trigger after 100% event ends

No. I don’t think I will.