Why are you forcing us again?

So now if my opponent want’s to corrupt the game, he just put’s Chogal in his deck and we have 25% for me to play some weird altered game that I do not want ?


In the first week of the release, every game will be corrupted by one of these stuff without Chogal as well as far as I saw… With Chogal, 2 corruptions will be active at once.


Thanks for rubbing the knife in buddy.

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I am sorry… just told the truth. I don’t like it either… but we can’t do anything about it… :\


Well we can tell our opinion so that this “exceptional” “well adjusted” devs can know they are doing a “fabulous” job.


Chogal activating is not more likely than your opponent having the perfect early card that can win them the game
Hard mulligan for Keleseth back in the days was 1/3 to have him on turn 2
All your opponent’s minions having +1/+1 is playing an altered game that you didn’t want, and it was not even symetrical
You being forced to play around secrets so your good cards don’t get cancelled is an altered playstyle you didn’t want
You playing with bombs in your deck is an altered playstyle you didn’t want
You being forced to dump super good cards in tempo to resist a really aggro deck is a playstyle you didn’t want

both players start with 2 more cards ? that’s a free Research project
Their starting hand of aggro cards cost 1 less ? Your starting hand of control cards cost 1 less.
You both have an additionnal Yogg in starting hand ? well they need to reach turn 10 and have played spells for it to be useful at first. Imagine if they played Clash of the Colossals and highrolled you a game winning colossal

I honestly think the anomalies are not a big deal so far. If you can’t play with a bit of randomness with symetrical benefits, why are you even playing ?


The game is mostly about randomness now which is not random… it is controlled in 50% and that how the game makes it more and more easy to manipulate. More randomness, bigger the chaos is. But we will see…


Hypothetically, if everyone who didn’t want anomalies didn’t play for the first week the event happened, then posted on their social media accounts (devs, company’s, etc) this was the reason they might get the message. And rinse and repeated whenever a boneheaded move like this occurred…maybe it would change (since they seem to care a LOT about metrics).

Hypothetically of course.

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Oh you poor baby, your opponent will play a dead card in their deck for a random anomaly that will benefit both.


Tell me, precisely, who is forcing you to open hearthstone.exe against your will?


Please don’t take it out of context…it’s rude and it doesn’t really show a mark of intelligence.


corrupt the game

odd way of seeing the game going the way it always has, how the designers have continued to design it. but you are an entitled chap, so it makes sense your opinion would skew that way too.

me to play some weird altered game that I do not want

so just quit the match? dont play it if you dont enjoy it. there is no issue by just autoquitting a match you know you wont enjoy playing. unless you make an issue there is literally no issue here.

the only mark of intelligence here isnt from the one claiming i changed context. look at your self chosen thread title. no one is forcing you to do anything. you choose to dislike this thing. therefore the issue is up to you as to solve it for yourself as I’ve seen no one else to share your view aside from one person saying they dislike it too but they have a real attitude towards it.

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It seems that little bit dense and simple Bobafett guy is abused a lot that way. Otherwise I don´t understand why is he still playing the game, posting here or interacting in any other way with the product he so clearly hate and loath.

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hm i understand you many not like the yogg one

but so far you didnt tell us why is so terrble to get draw 2 more cards on your starting hand

or the mana discoutn knowing the same effect applies to both players

Not sure it’s happened before, but I actually agree with you. While this is just a fun themed release event, it’s bound to upset and confuse a ton of players. Something like this being optional wouldn’t be the worst IMO considering how long it’s lasting.

The thing that worries me about this event is that it will probably skew results. So when nerfs are eventually needed (because of course they will), they might come down a week or two later than normal.

I’d hope you and your upvoters aren’t telling people not to play the game on the company’s own forums. Because your crowd regularly calls that a reportabled act of vandalism.

Except the devs, who decided to dump an unwanted feature in the game.

Exactly. Imagine if everyone got noz forced on them. At least original one lasted only as long as it was on the board.

Or longer, based on how bad this dev team is on responding to such things. Like nerfing decks long after the meta changed.

No crowd Im a part of. That guy just doesnt understand words.

And you missed the point of that question entirely. both figurative and literal options. Id say im impressed… but im not lol.

Do you speak for me? I wanted things like this. So unless you speak for me, your claim of it being unwanted isn’t universal. You personally may not have wanted it, but when did the game devs ever design anything around what you personally wanted? And again, you misunderstand what I am saying. The game devs didnt make the decision of you not liking a thing. you did that yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5mEWVbQ_T8 https://youtu.be/h5mEWVbQ_T8?si=57qAPZY7HCCqLInK

edit: ok last week i could post a link to yo7utube and it would show a preview of it, now all i can do is links?

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He is not too bright, I´ve figured that much already. I´m not surprised his reading comprehension is on the level of lobotomized monkey… :person_shrugging:

Nothing says well adjusted like being a dick over a video game

I didn’t claim to. But for someone who laments the “twisting of words” you sure do a lot of it. I simply posted that it was

“an unwanted feature.” I mean…you even direct quoted it. Then you try some odd push into some false claim I stated that it was “universal.”

By your logic, your claim it’s wanted isn’t universal either, so why should the devs design the game around what you want? And why should they design the game around you liking a thing?

And if someone posted this who wasn’t actively trolling for the company, their posts would have been actioned by now. This is what this dev team, mods, and company support. And many posts like it can be found on the forums going back years.

Not surprising, considering their track record on such things.

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