Why are this two new cards so bad

It like, feel like this both are not even worth putting in a deck ether one because they never give the right answer what so all . These two are nothing like Zephrys the Great could be in a lifetime with Puzzlemaster Khadgar or Dreamplanner Zephrys.

They never help but just make it feel like your wasted a space in your deck.

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The least you can do is give us the names of the cards that apparently warrant an entire thread being created for them.

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Khadgar played on turn 4 after Sea Shill is really good.
The card is total crap when you are behind and will screw you.

But if you play it early it can snowball to win you games.

The new Zeph i couldnt care less about it.

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Was this post supposed to be English?

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Khadgar has always been good, you just needed a safe turn to play it. He isn’t supposed to be used like a yogg in the box or Marin where you can use it as a hail Mary game flip. (Although he sometimes does that too)


I don’t know how anyone can play Khadgar and have fun.
I hate that card even more than Amaz Reno, and that is saying something.
I find both cards to be a complete insult to Mage players.


I love him. One of my favorite current mage cards.


I’m glad others enjoy the card. I despise the entire thought process behind it, and every other mage dice roll card.


I like him as well.

He’s one of the best play rate cards in mage.

It’s funny that OP is complaining about these two cards.

I find the people who complain about them are the ones that want the game to play for them and want perfection in plays from said ai.

Neither card was meant to play the game for you and give you perfect answers and leaves some player agency on the table.

I called this earlier in reveal of both cards that people would complain because they didn’t get perfect answers and here we are right on cue.

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Tell that to Khadgar reveal video…

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All it did was show instance where he high rolls.

But before the card came out, it was crystal clear he wasn’t meant to be played as an answer to a board but instead as tempo and value. I even stated as much and people were still surprised he wasn’t 100% perfect playing despite being told it wouldn’t be. The devs even said how it functioned.

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No, because that privilege is reserved for Zephrys.
To me, the cards are brain dead slot machine mechanics, and the ideas behind them remind me of some of the cheesier casinos I used to live in through my younger days.
Team5 stripped 90 percent of agency from mage, and gave us cards like this in return, so that they could give away the mechanics they took from mage to other classes, imho.
I think it is unforgivable.

And every reveal video shows cards doing something in the best conditions.

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No what it did was create false hype around it to bump up the engagement, they know very well what they were doing.
With the help of content creators that had videos made and ready to drop at reveal, classic case of false advertising.

Gets no pass from me.

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Ill agree the wording on the cards are definitely disingenuous but has the playerbase become so spoiled that every RNG card should read Battlecry: get out of jail free when played / discover a get out of jail free card.

I mean zephyrs is definitely a niche card… elemental decks, reno decks, mabye something that wants a 3 mana 3/2 generate 2 from hand damage cards. I cant imagine how awful it would be if every game was play zephyrs first to win


I still think original Zephrys is the most skill intensive standalone card in the game.

Anyone can make it into a fireball or a pyroblast.
Few know when to use it as a soul of the forest or a 1/1 buff to your board.

It does not play the game for you or tell you when to play it.

Alot of people die with zeph in hand not knowing how to play it for tempo or wild growth or something other than burn or removal

Khad is a very solid card. Certainly there’s an element of randomness, making it great sometimes, and not so great on other occasions. On the whole, I think my experience with him is a net positive. Example, casting counter spell 4 of the 6 turns can just outright win you the game .

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Well, khad will never be for me, and if the random is so fabulous, they should fob it off on some other class for awhile.
Mage has done it’s duty.

I dont get the hate for the RNG that Mage is designed to utilize. It’s a lot better nowadays when we get some agency because of discovering the cards because in the past it was just random spell/minion or random stuff from your class, or random stuff from another class… giving you some outlandishly bad things that if you used it would end the match for you. At least now you an choose your (glass half full outlook) Best-option, or (glass half empty outlook) Least-Bad-option.

Plus Mage is full of randomness from its source material in WoW. Its literally the class that can get an archaeology scepter that will act as a hearthstone but will deposit you somewhere in the world of Azeroth randomly. one time I ended up in a watch tower on an island covered by pirates, another time I was out in the Druid only zone of Moonglade before I even had the FP there so I lucked out with that lol, and yet another time it landed me deep inside of a Silithid hive down in Silithus. The most Casino-like spin the wheel and go where it lands type of item. Mage.

RNG is like Mage’s most thematic thing no matter what spec you go into in WoW, i dont see why it should be any different for HS.

Um… showcasing a card with its intended highrolls in a showreel about it isnt false hype. Its just highlights. Would you prefer a video of all the epic low rolls of a discovery instead? Would you think showing a showreel of how a card can not be answer to everything all the time would garner people’s intention to buy it? I highly doubt that sort of logic if thats what you’d prefer.

False advertising it was not. Cherry picked highlights, yes, but thats gonna happen for anything anyone wants to display or sell or advertise. You clearly dont actually know what it takes to actually be considered a false advertisement, it is a very high bar and has a list of things it must contain (doesnt need to have all of them, but there are multiple facets it must check off) in order to be considered false advertisement. at worst you might have an argument that it was puffery, such as when someone in an ad says “they have the best burger in town” or “The best service in the state” etc. None of these types of claims can be objectively measured and so are not a binding statement of fact in terms of an advertisement. Its just things you are allowed to say to sell something. This exists all over the economy in all things people purchase. And its always spelled out in the fine print that puffery or statements made by salespeople are not legally binding and you understand this when you sign here, or purchase this item, or whatever the transaction is intended to be.

If you think everything your sales person said to you is something you can hold them to… you obviously havent ever bought a vehicle. lol

Ofc they can.

Literally everything can be measured. There are a few things which can’t be precisely measured, but approximated, yes, but those are mostly accounting-related

Marketing measures their part 100%