Why are there so many ropers and bots in wild..?

Just came back to hearthstone recently after 1yr+, and been playing wild in the past few days… But literally 30% of opponents are either ropers or bots, I had to concede every now and then to not waste time on these craps…

Only back to have some fun, but the experiences are so ruined… wth man

literally just faced 5 more ropers in a row after I typed up this post… more like 50% now, not even kidding

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I don’t know: I personally have seen 1 roping bot in all my life.

It is probably related to the MMR, but it would be better if they starts banning people who uses bot (if they are AFK and click the heropower and wait, it’s fine).

I don’t know if it’s possible to do it, but I heard that in the very past they banned people using a bot that played face hunter; so there must be a way to distinguish a bot from a real player

I don’t even know if the ones I faced are all roping bots or not. I just know every time I see ropers they just let turn 1 roll to the end, and turn 2 hero power and then sit there for ropes. As soon as I realise this I just concede the game.

Even if they weren’t bots, there are way too many players like this now, it’s not even healthy. I barely seen those kind of players 2 years ago.


Blizzard doesn’t care if you bot. There hasn’t been a bot banwave in over 3 years.

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If you concede to bots/afkers, you’ll face more of them, Its how mmr works (while you have bonus stars or are in the dumpster ranks). Soo just go on a winning streak and/or spend your stars and you’ll almost never see them,


Thanks for the advice. Pretty much like you said. Silver rank had lots of those, Gold rank still has quite a bit, and after reaching mid Platinum has a lot less now. But still… it’s a VERY VERY terrible experience for new / returning players -.-

New and returnings will like need to face around 10~20+ roping bots before coming to mid Platinum

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There’s your mistake, conceding.
Most of them aren’t even bots, they’re just bad players who can’t play or are afraid, so they try to rope you.
No roper wins against me, they always get crushed.
Had one yesterday.
They can rope all they want, eventually my deck outscales and I get a free win.
By conceding you’re just giving them what they want.