Why are there so many OP decks?

The ‘goal’ is to have fun.
Also, are you a troll? You can’t honest think that telling me you can get 10 million armor is balanced in a normal game. You’re actually giving me evidence that there are broken card combinations.

Also, I don’t like classic, I like a lot of the cards in my collection which can only be used in Wild mode. What I want to know is why Blizzard doesn’t do anything to fix Wild. Wild was the best, and now it’s getting worse, and worse, and worse.

Was going to say the same thing. You have like 3 card kill combos is 30 card decks. Their balance team is beyond awful. No point playing a control oriented deck you’re going to straight up lose to face damage or stupid gimmicks that any other card game would consider meme but because hearthstone balance team treats this game like a joke are very viable. You have people winning large cash tournaments on turn two wins lol

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armor druid tierS confirmed?

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That’s the problem, isn’t it? You have in your brain, set parameters for “normal” gameplay. The community doesn’t agree with your parameters and plays what they want. They want to be free, you want to be the Hearthstone deck dictator.

I don’t want to play in your Hearthstone dictatorship. Sounds horrible low impact Curvestone.

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People don’t want to play YOUR version of Hearthstone either, that’s why all my friends quit, and the forums are always full of people saying their goodbyes.

Truthfully we’re beta testing their games. That’s Blizzards schtick. They’re to cheap/lazy to actually have their games balanced properly before release. Certainly one would expect a card based game to have good balance before launch but nope. They leave that stuff up to us while they rake in the profits.

Personally I haven’t been able to allow myself to log in in over two weeks due to how poorly Blizzard runs their games and the obviously their business with that lawsuit.

Post after post after post after post players such as yourself use the same type of whiny tone, it’s limited, it’s stale, and boring. Why, because you guys focus on the same thing, blaming everything else EXCEPT your SKILL.

Wild is not stale.

Hearthstone is a type of game where you can build your deck from a list of cards in your collection. Yes, there are going to be better combos that synergize with certain cards which will produce a desired impact in the match. But by no means does that guarantee a win.

I play both Wild and Standard, if you think wild is Stale, than I’d be curious to see what you would call Standard.

If you feel that the game is so Unbalanced, Unplayable, and Stale, my suggestion to you is find a game that you find balanced, playable, and fresh, because to me, it seems very evident that hearthstone is not the game for you.


It’s not mine. I didn’t create the Hearthstone that we have.

I am fully knowledgeable and understanding that there’s a large enough portion of humanity with a sense of order and structure who are unable to appreciate, whether it be in Hearthstone or any other facet of life, people’s chaotic choices. And who would shackle all people to make only the choices they are comfortable with.

I reject your proposal to shackle me. And if you and your shackler friends leave Hearthstone, consider playing a more structured game that appeals to your sensibilities instead of imposing them on everyone in every game.

You’re not shackled or freed based on the game having OP cards and combos. Yes, it can be funny and cool to create these ridiculously unstoppable decks, but when those decks are being used against casual players, it’s not cute anymore.

I used to enjoy Hearthstone, a lot of people did, it was a good game, but it’s changed over time… I’ve quit the game twice now, and I come back to try and give it another chance. It’s fun for a while, but then the decks I fight begin to reveal their pervasiveness. Eg. How often do you find yourself fighting Res Priest? If you were me and you felt like you fought that deck three times a day or more, wouldn’t you start to get annoyed? You can predict the decks most classes will use, and how often do you run across someone who really uses a deck of their own design? Something with a unique, personal style? I hardly ever spot that…

The reason there are so many people pointing this out, is because it’s a problem a lot of people have noticed, and a lot of us don’t see anything being done to fix it. We liked the game, and it still has potential, and we’re mad to see the game continue to decline in quality to the point we feel the need to discard the game entirely.

I understand. I can’t say that enough.

I fundamentally disagree. I also can’t say that enough.

The problem is that you want to enforce your preferred play experience on the rest of us. You want to become a tyrant.

You don’t understand that I have a preferred play experience, and every other person does too. And we want to preserve those experiences.

Not every game shows me the ideal experience. The difference between you and me is that I respect the other person’s desires for a different experience, whereas you want to remove our experiences to ensure your own in every single game.

I’m getting really sick of your high and might attitude. I’m not a tyrant for wanting Blizzard to balance their card game, since the lack of balance is driving everyone I care to play with away. You like these OP decks, I get it, a lot of people don’t. I’m not a tyrant because the standards I have for a game include limiting OP outlier decks. You want these outliers because they’re fun, but they make the game unbalanced. I have the cards to build unbalanced decks, I can make myself unkillable, but I don’t do that because it’s a Terrible experience for the other player.

No. It’s not a terrible experience for the other players. It’s an undesirable experience for you.

I am another player, and so are all the other people who play the decks you dislike. It’s insightful that you chose specific words to trigger emotional responses that cannot be verified within the extensive data we have.

If you really cared about balance you would look at the data and discuss actual verifiable balance issues.

But that’s not what you want. You want to lord over the game so every possible deck you encounter fits your desired gameplay experience.

No because even in the in the QA they are stating that this intended so players have an OP deck they can long too.

If I cared more, I’d go and look up scientific studies regarding the science of balancing video games, the phycology of game design, reports on the current and past statuses of Hearthstone. I’d also go and collect for you a laundry list of forum posts of people quitting the game. Or perhaps user reviews would be more useful? Currently the game has about 66% five star ratings, and 33% one star ratings, so it’s clearly a polarizing issue, with a below average score. Most critical reviews I’m finding are very damning, describing it as having wonderful animations, a pleasant and addicting atmosphere, but ultimately unbalanced gameplay that heavily encourages users to spend a Lot of money on it.

Asking for evidence is good, burden of proof falls on me, but I’m not sure that I could even make your opinion waver by providing this evidence. It seems to me that you’re someone who enjoys the current state of Hearthstone, outlier cards and all.

Since we’re discussing game reviews and this forum.

Some members of the forum (along with Twitter, and other social media) went on a review bomb campaign in November-December during the rewards track debacle.

Then Blizzard changed the track, making it more generous and simple. They didn’t follow up with a review bomb defusing campaign, so the bombs regarding how the game is expensive and predatory remain in place.

Regarding balancing games, you would be looking at the wrong genre. Yes, Hearthstone is a video game. But for gameplay it falls under collectible card games. I really recommend the Magic Historian and Swimstream on YouTube to get different perspectives on CCG issues. You are more than welcome to play MTG and LOR, I have. And playing them has helped give me a broader perspective and relax my tilting. You wouldn’t believe some of the crazy cards they have.

theres a ton of OP decks when your default excuse for “i can’t win” is “that deck was OP”

You speak as if Blizzard has any control over their whiny, irrational audience.

They’re by no means right every time, but it is undisputable that Blizzard games come with a culture of fury and entitlement, clearly on display on half the absurd topics that get posted around here (including this one!)

The OP is probably a Bronze-Silver player.

It’s perfectly OK to have a valid opinion as a low Rank player. But the OP doesn’t even know what the complaint is.

They’re upset about C’Thun. In Wild. There’s at the absolute minimum 100 cards that you would have to nerf before C’Thun becomes a strong card in Wild.

If they actually knew what they were talking about they would be mentioning Darkglare, Patches, Flurgl, Baku, etc. But what happens is that people who play those cards blast off into Platinum quickly so the OP doesn’t face aggro, they face slow gimmicky decks with infinite resources and no initiative in the early game.

Sorry for bad English. If u want to play casual, stop playing rank and complaining about how op ur opp’s deck is. U can google some meta deck and copy it in 5 minutes. But how far u can go with this deck ?
U can easily beat some meme deck at bronze, but in platimum u will meet many mirror or meta decks. The different that make u win with ur meta deck against meta deck is ur skill and the flexible of ur deck (tech cards, cards make u feel comfortable,…in your deck). Example, i play reno priest tech loatheb because i luv my loatheb, its like Dark Magician to me, no people play it in reno priest but i got high legend every months (easy against mage, druid, mirror,…). U can copy a meta deck made by a pro Asian player but if u but its hard for u to use it in Europe server. Try to make ur own meta deck and play competitive games and u will enjoy this game in a different way. Im playing Asian ver reno rouge (a poor tier deck) and i built it again with my favorite cards, try to make this deck more balance and i reach top 50 legend 2 month in a row!
When u got high legend, ur rank reset and u still play againts ur high ranked opps last month (bronze rank vs legend rank). They never let high legend player play with newbie, casual meme player,…So i have lost very much from the bronze and harder to reach legend.
In my opinion, i don’t like people play meme decks and try to reach their goal (mechathun, exodia,…) but not play around with opp, play their own game, play cards every turn like an idiot and win, concede immediately when they meet their counter decks and dont even try to win. I want a balance chance of this game to make it more competitive play. I prefer u playing in casual more and blame some ranked deck u dont like.

A lot of you are circling around a few points, which ignore my point entirely. Yes, anyone can copy a meta deck, and people do, almost everyone, and it Feels soulless, this game Feels devoid of content, because almost everyone is using the same content. You’re solution is for me to go download a meta deck if I want to win, but that doesn’t help, because that’s just another soulless deck. I’m not saying that you should be able to throw together a random deck and win, I’m not saying competitive should be easy, but when all people use are meta decks designed by someone else, and they take these super strong decks into casual, the games genuinely casual players get feel bad.

if you want to win, yes.
If you want to have fun, play in casual or ranked (but here people will play good decks probably)

this almost never happens to me