Why am I facing legend players at rank 4 plat?

Seriously, I’m the equivalent of rank 9 or 10 under the old system. If the idea had been proposed to make players play against legend players from rank 10 up to legend, it would have met huge backlash from the community.

Why is this happening now? Have that many people left the game already this expansion that it has to match you against much higher ranked players to even get you in a game?

Is this why they now hide your opponent rank until you hit legend?


I’m not sure that’s the case. As someone on the Legend side of things in Wild I’ve been matched against low Diamond/High Plat rank players since the release of the expac. I think it’s truly a matter of MMR except the rating is a lot more sensitive than we anticipated.

If I had to guess Blizz knew this would happen and hid ranks to minimize the flow of complaints coming from people who would be outraged at playing against people 20 ranks higher than they are. Either way I’m sure there’s something that could/should be done to shore this up.


This has been happening to me since the first day of the new expansion. At first I thought it might be because of all the new Legend players that got there day 1 with the DH but seriously I don’t believe that’s the case anymore. It needs to be fixed cause it has totally tanked my season so far. Was at Plat1 with 3 stars getting ready to break that diamond tier and ever since its been nothing but losses. The players im matched against definitely feel like they are playing at a higher level than me too.


Did Blizz comment on this topic during the recent AMA on Reddit?

This is a point I have been making. I believe more and more people are going to be upset over this issue. There is a serious flaw in the current ranking system. I have all but quit playing due to it.

There appears to be some sort of bucket system. Certain people got grouped up against people beyond their skill set. By that I mean being matched up against people who play far more often and have already proven themselves. There is a huge skill gap between diamond 5 and legend taking into account time, knowledge of the deck you play, knowledge of tour opponents deck, mulligans, etc… that is why legend was supposed to be by itself.

I have read tons of people on reddit talk about how they struggled to get to rank 10 before and have made legend by the middle of this month playing tier 3 decks. That means the bucket they were in basically allowed them a free run to legend.

I think this is going to get exposed more over time. As I have said, I have never reached rank 2 before and hit rank 3 only a couple times. I started adding everyone I played against and stopped counting after 20. All but 1 were legend and most top 400 if not top 300. That’s pro streamer territory and there is absolutely no reason I should be seeing that at Diamond rank 5 to 3 range.


I was seeing Legend ‘cardbacks’ around rank 15-20 in the old rank system.


That’s true but irrelevant. They could have earned those long prior and no longer have the card set, or skill set (again taking that to mean all factors like daily time playing) and were at your level.

That isn’t the case this month. Something is absolutely screwy. It could be as I have suggested and the OP, due to a lack of player base that Blizz anticipated and why we don’t see ranks. Keep in mind Covid19 is causing an unnatural amount of people to be playing. This could be what screwed the system up. Not sure.


I agree with this. I dislike the new ranking system. I am constantly matched against legend players, even though i have never been legend in six years.


One thing i ask myself right now. What happens to dumpster legend player playing meme decks. Actually a lot of them are playing against gold opponent. I guess because they tanked their MMR in legend by not playing meta. I think the variance is way to high and i fear these legend player are now considered trash player by the system. So what happens next month? They face weaker opponents on their way to legend? Do they get a 11 stars bonus?

Well i’m pretty sure Blizzard didn’t think about it.

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I was under the impression that if you no longer had bonus stars you were matched by rank. So, diamond 5 to legend should only be diamond 5 to maybe low legend players.
Anyways, from my experience, I haven’t queued anyone outside of legend since early in the expansion release. Sitting at top 1000 legend; I only queue people within a few hundred legend ranks of me.

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Yes, I’ve reach legend and I’m mostly matched against 10-5 plat, and sometimes, another legend.
Wanna hear something funny? I don’t see much difference.

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I think they need to adjust how they group players together as pure mmr matchmaking isn’t going to cut it. I saw a video yesterday of Regis Killbin playing against a plat 5 player while he was at legend. I know he’s not necessarily the best pro-player out there but he’s still probably better than a lot of players and very likely better than anyone still at plat 5. A week ago that could’ve been me and maybe I did play against a lesser known pro player at some point and didn’t notice it. I’m not saying this to criticise Regis either, I think he’s a good player, gives helpful advice and seems like a genuinely nice person but he shouldn’t be matched up against guys who are still plat 5.

I think they still need to favor matching players within the same 5 level bracket i.e. players ranked 10-6 of one tier are grouped together and players in 5-1 of that tier are grouped together and couple that with the number of bonus stars remaining so that when ranks reset pros aren’t up against people who are considerably worse players than them. Then have legends all play just against each other.

I think what they didn’t account for with this pure MMR matchmaking is that when people know they have nothing to lose they’ll play silly decks that aren’t necessarily the best but are fun/weird ideas that they wanna try out but don’t want to wager their climb on. This ends up dropping MMRs and results in pros vs plats

The legend players MMR is very low so you can get matched against them so props for being good

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why do people think the matchmaking making people with similar MMR play againt each other means the game is dying ?this never made sense to me

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People who completely ignore the point of gross mismatching players who aren’t at all similar has never made sense to me.

Because of how many people got into legend, I think some people (like myself) somehow we’re getting so few points per game that even though we were winning, our rank in legend was decreasing.

As a result, we are facing from silver to diamond.

I’ve been winning almost 70% or more of my games and have only JUST started to notice my rank increase faster than the decay; I hope this doesn’t happen every season lol.

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how do you know their mmr isnt similar ?

I’m watching ‘Netflix’ more often!

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I don’t agree with it but the reasoning is that there’s so few people playing the game the matchmaker has to widen its search criteria to the point of matching silvers to legends to get a match started

I don’t and neither do you. What WE all do know is that legend players have always supposed to been and should still be in their own bracket (with the exception of Diamond 5 players with the extra star from a low legend ranking prior). That is not what is happening. Something is screwy. Blizz also removed the ability to see pair rankings during games for a reason. They don’t do that willy-nilly.

There is obviously a flaw in the system right now. I just hope blizz fixes it, regardless if they admit fault for something, it’s just some bug or some tweek that was unexpected maybe due to the swelling player base from the quarantine, I just hope it is fixed soon.