Yes. The issue should be relatively simple to understand. I am at plat 4 with 0 bonus stars, which means I should be rank matched against other players in the plat4 0 bonus group.
Legend players should only be up against other legend players (or players that are about to enter legend).
At plat 4 there is no logical reason why I should have to beat legend players to rank up. If this is the case just give me my legend rank and all the rewards that come with it.
MMR seems to have a more important role in matchmaking in the new system than before
i dont know my opponent rank but at the beginning i was matched vs many DH and other top tier decks but since im more a casual player than competitive and lose a lot
it didnt took long for paladin and warriors to start showing up
That’s not true.
I hit Legend in wild on DAY 5, was top 400 at the time and still only queue into plat 5-1 players.
There’s no way you can try to come up with the argument that my mmr was ‘‘low’’ or theirs was high. The first games I played literally made me lose points after wins, the wild MMR is just broken.
In standard it seems fine (at least I queue into diamond and Legend players)
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I’m only playing on standard.
The only way I know he was legend is because after I won he sent me a friend request to talk trash.
I did bm him quite a bit (he started it, I think. I was quite a few drinks in so who even knows).
Bottom line is this is my “expected maximum rank” according to the new ladder system. I shouldn’t have to face legend players to rank up out of plat league, no matter how bad their current mmr
I had what you described in standard. Losing points even when winning and getting matched against plat, silver, gold.
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Why? We all know that there is no skill in this game and if you have the same deck as they have then everything is decided by luck. Rank difference has no relevance.
I’m sitting at 15k legend right now. Aka dumpster legend haha. I’m just playing meme decks and auto-conceding a lot of games when I don’t care for the matchup (priest above all else lol). I’m constantly matched against people starting as low as plat 5.
When I was sitting at around 10k legend I was constantly matching into low diamonds.
BUT the matches do feel fair. I lose to a ton of platinum players despite trying to win but I am using “bad” decks - so I guess that’s why the system is doing this? If I was playing good decks and try-harding (like the opponents I’m matching into) then yes, I would probably destroy them due to more experience. But then I would probably be much higher ranked and not matching into as many lower players? But as it is it’s not the case. Just something to consider.
ps. I’m not saying I’m an amazing player at all or anything. Just that there seems to be some fair merit to the MMR system despite the vast difference in ranks. But I don’t really like it though - I know it feels crappy to play against someone that much higher even if the games are actually competitive.
That is a demonstrably false claim, because if it was by luck, people’s ranks between seasons would not be consistent at all.
So glad i happened to reach my highest rank ever (rank 3) right before they changed to the new system. Made it so that i got enough bonus stars to get to diamond 5 in like a day lol.
Why? A lot of coin toss will give you a half of tails. And win is giving you more stars than lose takes. That’s why you return to your rank and cannot go a step further. Simple math.
I stopped playing ranked at Silver. I am CLEARLY not playing players of my caliber and deck creating ability. Even after moving to a tier 1 deck, the skill level is clearly not being matched either, otherwise, I would not be losing so much, no? There are no average or bad players in this game?
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Even before this rank system change with the star bonuses, people would consistently get similar ranks between seasons.
It is simple math that you seem to not understand.
If you had a coin that CONSISTENTLY fell on heads more than tails, then you would not say it was ‘luck’ that keeps making it fall on heads. It would be a characteristic of the coin that was responsible.
If it was ‘luck’ it would not be consistent.
If there is no skill in this game, why is my Arena win rate 68% in my last 1100 games recorded ?
Am I just a lucky player ? The average is 3 wins and yet I have double that…
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I must be the luckiest man to ever play Hearthstone then, winning that many coin flips in that many games.
I agree somethings not right:
They removed the ability to see opponents rank - they won’t do this for nothing, so they know they are doing something players don’t like.
With no more stars, people are supposed to be matched by rank and not MMR based on what Blizzard said, but we now know that’s a lie as platinum players are matched up against legend when they have no more stars.
Playing against legend players (good skill, consistent good luck, good deck building skills, ability to know and guess opponents play) keeps non legend people in their low ranks when they lose. Coincidental that blizzard don’t have to give out so much rewards?
Legend players lose a lot more “ranks” when they lose vs low ranking players, and only a bit when they win, so this incentivises them to win more. Note that high legend players have more stars so it’s easier to get back to legend the next season, which is an incentive that will drive behaviour.
Blizzard said the players MMR won’t change much between Seasons, so this means we are going to be permanently in the same buckets.
People can no longer win by waiting until end of game when the best players reach legend and get removed from the opponents pool. They are always there to “keep the plebs in their place”. I am one of the plebs. Never reached legend before.
Ok these are just my observations. Make of it what you will.
How many stars did you get?
1- I agree
2- That’s also right, a lot of diamond players also queue into Legend players with no bonus stars.
3- This is false. There is considerably more Legend players than before with this new system so your theory doesn’t make much sense.
4- It does that to some people and doesn’t to others. Kinda weird.
5- Unless you climb higher rank next season.
6- Keep in mind that the Legend level is much lower than before. Most people hit it for the first time in this new system and is just generally way easier to get there.
I got 10 stars to start the season. Didn’t even use a broken deck to climb, mostly big druid.