Why all of a sudden

Do I play against so many Asian players?

Every day I play against 20+ players with Asian character names – This never happened just a few months ago.

A few months ago China had their own server. Now they don’t, so they’re playing on other servers (and many of them are botting to catch up everything they lost).

What happened to the China server? Wish they would leave us alone all they do is CHEAT

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To do business in China you need to have some sort of deal with a Chinese company. Blizzard previously had a deal with Netease but failed to renew it due to their greed or something, so all their games were completely and utterly discontinued in China. Except Diablo IV for some reason.

Well it will probably make me leave, seeing Blizzard doesn’t seem to care about all the cheating going on.

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I don’t want to quit games against these players, messes with my ranking, but it is unfair that I have to because after turn 6 there is no winning…Last two I played we were on turn 4 and they played a level 6 legendary. Next turn, boom the same card, next turn the same thing. They all seem to be playing DK’s as well.

Why does it matter if you are playing against Asian players?


I think he doesn’t want to play against cheaters. The cheaters being asian in this case is not that important.

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That’s actually pretty racist thing to say. Lots of people from all around the world cheat. Not just Asians.


They seem to specialize in it.

You’re pretty culturally insensitive if you think about it.

Your shock that a culture could have a unique characteristic is pretty racist in itself.

You can’t fathom that a culture would have different methods of “survival” than you.

Open your mind.


What cheating is happening? You’re losing to a bot? Also, what matters where they’re from, who they are etc? You come off as the problem here more than anything else, oh, and racist, as well.

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You are calling me culturally insensitive because I stated that Stereotyping Asians as cheaters is racist? You’re telling me to open my mind, after making a statement implying that Asians Method of survival is to cheat?

You realize there are hackers and cheaters all over the world, in every country. It is not limited to only Asians.

And for someone to create a post called “why all of a sudden”, followed up with a reply in the thread with…

Is not only ignorant, but racist.

Take some of your own advise and “open your mind”.

What I meant was some cultures do “weird things”.

What makes you think Asians don’t see cheating as “normal”?

It’s not the Asian players that he is complaining about. It is the bot’s/cheaters that he is complaining about and they are coming from China.